Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

Leo 2A4 has an L23A1 type round at 10.3.
Gaijin doesn’t hate any tech tree.

yeah except unlike the chally it has speed
and magic space armor

Armor profile is about the same.
Lolpenned on breech & hull, cheeks that do magic.

Yeah but Ive shot leos all over in the side too and it just makes my round vanish into thin air.
Or usually it just likes yellows something

I wouldn’t care about the rise in br personally if they made the vehicle more historically accurate. I.E. more realistic armour values, shell options etc.

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Totally agree, the neglect shown to the British tech tree is insane.

The British tree has been neglected for years now. Im starting to lose hope that the vehicles with would famous armour protection are just going to stay nurfed for the sake of a sick joke. Im not a British main but top tier Britain suffers having the same vehicle copy pasted with 1 or 2 different features.

At least give it the armour values its known for, its one of the main reasons the vehicle is so heavy, it sacrifices mobility for its amazing protection.

Nevertheless, the NERA and ERA it receives gets out preformed by the lighter and thinner russian ERA, which clearly makes sense?
Even with the add on armour packages to give NERA to the front lower plate which is by no means thin or light weight, WW2 vehicles still have the ability to penetrate which is an utterly ridiculous notion.

I know the armours values are a national secret, but for the reputation that the challengers have, 200mm gun mantlet and insanely weak frontal protection in general?.. its clealy obvious that they are being purposefully downgraded.


Yeah, the obvious favouritism towards russian armour is insane, most event vehicles and meta vehicles go to the main 3 nations of Russia, USA and Germany. They could at least try and make the least favourite nations of GB, Japan, France etc. More appealing to the community by modelling vehicles more accurately.

Im not really sure how its not relevant. You made the claim the aircraft was “completely ahistorical”. There are many aircraft in game that don’t use their purely service only weaponry.

AIM-9G is present within the weaponry manual, so there really is nothing ahistorical about it:



AIM-9L was not issued for balance reasons as already explained multiple times now.


I did watch a thing that came to a great conclusion. Britain is not meant to be the main nation in the match. Instead its suppose to be the supporting nation. Filling in the niche roles that are absent from other nations. Which means we do well in some roles, but most we face major handicaps.

Tornado Gr1 for example is the best high tier bomber in game currently, and we have the best CAS in the Harrier Gr7 but we have no usable top tier fighter


You talk about balance but yet there are still 9.0, 9.3, 9.7 vehicles with no flares that can see planes with all aspect missiles.

Totally agree. The hatred for Challengers is insane. Easily the worse modelled tank in game currently. But i think we are suppose to bring Stormer for anti heli or ADATS for anti air and not a chally.

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Wheeli bois are the way to go, however even British wheeli bois suffer. Like if you get hit once youre done - if you survive you are crippled to where you cant shoot or do anything.

Meanwhile any chinese wheeli boi can tank round after round and lost almost no function.

And with maps now getting smaller, sniping and flank routes being removed it gets hard to play a wheeli boi.

That’s because they did not / could not have flares. We always try to explore options for countermeasures wherever possible.

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But yet you gave the F5s flares even though there is almost no where to be found they had flares.

And missiles too I think. And with the bad traction update wheeled vehicles just are so hard to get going.

It has rocket proppeled shells. They are insanely OP

As we have explained multiple times, all F-5A family members could be retrofitted with flares. The developers chose to take this option:



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This is a cop out excuse. There are many planes that aren’t balanced you don’t care about. I can name 30.

We are always open to feedback and suggestions on them in the appropriate places.