Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

And this helps UK how?

Unless we get SHAR Fa2, nothing is going to get Aim-9Ms. AMRAAMs are a maybe at most for the F3 and I doubt they’ll come with the AMRAAM update, if they do come it will likely be the one afterwards. I hope im wrong, but I doubt it

Generally, we get new additions 1 to 2 updates later than everyone else. If at all.

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I mean, it’s possible you get the SA Gripen over Tornado F3 getting AMRAAMs, but in either direction Britain’s gonna be ahead of France for a while.

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I seriosuly seriosuly doubt britain will get the Gripen. and if it does get the Gripen over the SHar FA2 or the Tornado F3 then its going to be a major outcry. Becasue once again we got a copy paste from another nation instead of actually giving us something new or fixing something pre-existing.It would be the Indian T-90 all over again.

It’s literally Britain’s sub-tree, and there’s nothing else Britain can get for 12.3 besides Gripen & Tornado with 4 AMRAAMs.
Indian T-90 wasn’t finished.

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Sea Harrier FA2.

  • 4 x Sidewinder + 2 x Gun Pod + 60 countermeasures (provided by 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 2 x AMRAAM + 2 x Gun Pod + 60 countermeasures (provided by 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 4 x Sidewinder + 2 x AMRAAM + 60 countermeasures (provided by 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 4 x AMRAAM + 60 countermeasures (provided by 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 2 x Sidewinder + 2 x Gun Pod + 380 countermeasures ( 2 x BOL 304 & 2 x AN/ALE-40)
  • 2 x Sidewinder + 2 x AMRAAM + 380 countermeasures ( 2 x BOL 304 & 2 x AN/ALE-40)

So its this or

Finished Tornado F3 and give it AMRAAM


An Pre-production/prototype Typhoon. (like this British Weapon Systems - Technical data and discussion - #157 by TPS_Hydra)

I dont really think South African stuff in the Ground TT was the right call, and I think we should of instead seen things from Canada or Australia instead. This goes for the air tree. when there are British Options left, or more closely connected Commonwealth nations also available with their options (Hoping for a Hawk soon as well. That could carry AMRAAM) then they should do that first instead

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They really need to fix this because the lightning is just dead right now

Yeah, I did a couple of matches recently, and its really hit and miss. I had 1 great game, where I thought for a moment it was maybe semi-fixed. followed by 2 appauling matches where the Red top missed easy shots well within range. Fired at a F-104 at sub 1km (max range is 1.5km), he took no evasive action. It just missed. It was unable to hit a target flying in a straight line.

My issue is Sea Vixen & Lightening don’t have countermeasures.
Red Tops when they become all-aspect… not going to go well for their BRs.

Its not “true” all-aspect like a 9L or R-60M. It requires very specific conditions. (I think mostly relatively high speed of the target, and perticular warm target) Im also not sure how well they’ll work in other aspects. Though I think the Red Tops can be radar slaved IRL for improved performance. (I can see them making the conditions for all aspect really really tight and thus quite rare)

“According to this document the Red Top should be able to hit a Buccaneer flying at Mach 0.9, when fired from a range of about 3.5 km, 30° off of head on (150° off the target’s tail). Note that the Buccaneer in this situation is flying subsonically and has no afterburner, showing that the Red Top does not necessarily need a supersonic / afterburning target in order to lock in the front aspect.”

I can see the lightnings rise back to 9.7, but I dont think they’ll go to 10.0. Sea Vixen with its lack of guns, still give it a major disadvantage, especially in front aspect. I can see an SB rise for it, but I dont think it will change in ARB. But time will tell.

Though even just fixes with some range buffs, would be great, even if they decide to omit all-aspect for balance reasons. Their biggest issue is guidance problems and the fact they pull barely 2 or 3Gs, not 16G

The real question is the SRAAM carriers .

I think they are going to be far more potent with the same kind of all-aspect due to 40G pulls instead of 16Gs

meanwhile the Chinese ty90 pulls double it’s statcard

It pulls 20Gs, which is its statcard.
However, Stingers + derivatives & Mistrals need bug reports & actioned.

The ATAS on the Lynx can’t hit anything. On average it taks 3-4 missiles at easy targets to get a hit. Which only 50% of hits actually result in a kill. Kinda BS. Hard enough fending off spawn killing planes, in a Heli, when your primary A2A missile cant hit a damn thing

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We got the Stage 2G Radar on the Tornado F.3 recently, this Radar was capable of carrying the AIM-120. I doubt Gaijin updated the Radar for no reason, probably for preparations of Fox 3 missiles.

Here’s my my idea. Every 11.3 that currently exists in rank 8 has an upgrade path that increases their BRs.
Aim-9M & AMRAAM are in spitting distance.
R-73A will test the waters for IRCCM, and AMRAAMs on Gripen & probably Tornado is what I’m thinking tests the waters for advanced ARHs.

I’d prefer to see another vehicle other than the Tornado F.3 for Britain as a Fighter.

The issue with the United Kingdom in-game is that we either get a Ground Attacker with no actual Air to Air capabilities against other nations or we get a fat and slow Fighter with no Ground Attacking capabilities which hinders the nation as a whole.

This can easily be fixed by the addition of either foreign aircrafts (as a last resort) or receive dumbed down vehicles or prototypes, like the BAe EAP.

On topic though the Challenger DS doesn’t need the L26 AT ALL. I’ve done easy 1v4s alone in my Challenger Mk.2 (identical to the DS) and carry games alone, this is either a “skill issue” or you’re playing it completely wrong as a vehicle.

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Well, as I said, South African Gripen is the only thing.
Britain can also get their training Gripen.
But it’s getting a grip until EF at 13.0+.

I agree with you on Chieftain Mk2 BTW.
There’s a reason I called it a slower Leo 2.

The British BAe EAP carried Skyflashes, I’m not sure if it carried AIM-120s. It would be amazing either way and actually would be a competent Fighter unlike the Tornado F.3 (which is useable though).

I agree with you on Chieftain Mk2 BTW.
There’s a reason I called it a slower Leo 2.

Yeah I’ve always enjoyed my time in both the Challenger Mk.2 and Challenger Mk.3, you don’t see 11.7 Russia (which is a pain to fight) and you could make a pretty good line up with the vehicle.

I support it if it was actually armed, don’t get me wrong, but there are production aircraft from Britain & South Africa as well.
And I doubt any EF variant started development long enough ago for addition.
& with Gripen this year… it’s as possible as AMRAAMs on Tornado F3. :)

Yes we know. It’s the worst phantom at 11.3 for balancing reasons. The US premium phantom is the best phantom in the American tree, and also gets better IR missiles alongside vastly better SARHs. HMD and a better flight model aren’t bad perks either.

Same price and BR, but for balance reasons the UK one has to be substantially worse even when there are possible upgrades to make it competitive.