Challenger DS may need L26 APFSDS ammunation :(

It’s not relevant because, as you’ve mentioned several times now, there is already plenty of ahistorical stuff in the game. There is no point arguing about whether something is ahistorical or not in this game. The Devs will make their decisions for “balancing reasons” and that will be that.

You described the F-4J, a tech tree aircraft.

Unfortunately these were dummy weapons. The EAP was never intended to be armed. It was a technology demonstrator

“As it was an experimental and technology demonstration aircraft, no weapons or military equipment was fitted, although dummy weapons were carried in a low-drag position.”

Wouldn’t it still be possible to come to the game armed, in a similar style to the F-16AJ?

F-16AJ is a production standard F-16A.

There is no production standard EAP as it was never intended for production. It was simply a technology demonstrator.

A “production” outcome is the Eurofighter Typhoon. Which we are absolutely not close too.


Though I hope Gaijin doesnt wait too long with the Typhoon.

Tornado F3 was about 6 months to a year too late in my opinion (should have arrived mid 2022 but I think its closest rival, at least with an earlier radar, is the Mig-23MLD that arrived at the end of 2021, or at the very least, it should have arrived december 2022 with its current stage 2 radar alongside the F-16 and Mig-29 and not after like it did, debatably 6 months after as the Stage W radar was useless in top tier).

Tornado IDSs like the Tornado Gr1 even later (should have arrived with the Mig-27 december 2021 in my opinion, so at least a full year too late).

I dont really want to facing late 4th and early 5th gen fighters in the Tornado F3 or SHar FA2 for a year+ whilst we are still waiting for the Typhoon to be added. Would be nice for a change to be the nation that got the next gen of aircraft first, instead of the usual last.

I’d quite happily take a stripped down, more limited loadout option, for the sake of balance (like say, giving the Challenger DS L23A1 instead of its accurate L26 shells ;) ) if it meant getting it earlier, such as a pre-production variant. Prehaps ommitting capabilities like ground strike weapons and using earlier weapon options, like Aim-9L/I Instead of Aim-9M/X or ASRAAM, etc

Thing is current F16AJ in warthunder doesnt exist in real life.

Just because F-16A exists doesnt mean AJ suddenly becomes real….

Bruh Yak-141’s loadout …etc

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That’s a point, the Yak-141 was basically a “technology demonstrator.”, it never saw production

Oh yea, famous, unfinished and cancelled prototype…

kronshtadt was never built either.

But they didn’t introduce the prototype, they intro’d the intended production model. So if you take the EAP as an example, it’s intended production model was the Typhoon. Not a fully functional EAP.

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Fair enough, I still hope though we are sat fighting late F-15s, Mig-31s, Su-30s etc, in the Shar FA2 or Tornado F3 for a year+ whilst they eventually get round to adding a Typhoon. Like we were sat in the FGR2/FG1 for 1+ years fighting Late Mig-23s until the Harrier Gr7 was added (which was surprisingly the best A2A jet britain has ever gotten in my opinion, despite being a CAS jet)


already in WTM
Screenshot_20230817-225015_War_Thunder_Mobile (1)

Im expecting the Soviets to get guided missile cruisers within the next year or so

Well in that case i should start grinding Soviet Navy cause playing with Kirov class will be so much fun.

Unfortunately, yeah. If you want to have fun with new stuff, then playing Britain is the worse possible nation to play. We usually have to sit and watch nations using new weapon systems for a good 3 to 6 months before we even get a taste.

Napalm looked really interesting when it was added, but Britain still hasnt gotten it on any jets except the Harrier Gr1. Im kinda dreading that they will do the same with Cluster bombs.

Im also not sure if Britain will get AMRAAM when they are added. Im guessing maybe the update after for the F3. All depends on the Sea Harrier Fa2

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Well its kinda too late for that.

When FGR2 was added i was one of the first one who got that, only plane im missing now is the Tornado F3.

As for ground rb i bought DS and Rooikat 105 alongside with G-LYNX months ago.

İts true that small nations such as France and Britain lacks in vital areas but that doesnt stop me from playing them.

İ believe AMRAAM will come to F3 as soon as they added in order to create short term solution before adding Typhoon.

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I watched a thing the other day, and its conclusion was the nations like Britain are meant for a support role, not for being the main nation. Case in point, did a match in GRB the other day, Britain and Soviets vs everyone else. Only four Britains were on my team, myself included. If you look at what we offer, its not meant to be a full nation, but to fill in the gaps for other nations.


It kinda sucks really. so many great options, just never added.

we can hope. but the issue is, at least in ASB, engagements are often still decided by who can bring their guns to bear. That is never the Tornado. Even with AMRAAM and ASRAAM, the Tornado will always have an inherrent weakness. It can’t turn. At least though with AMRAAM we can employ the IRL tactic. Fire and run away. Hoping not all nations will get Fox 3. I doubt it, but can at least hope that soviets have to wait.


Yea you’re right.

İf only Gaijin changes to its policy about other nations and show them to exact some love that they’re showing to Soviets everything would be great.

But lets prepare for worst and hope for the best.

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