A hard kill APS system is part of the requirements set out by the MOD as part of the program. The ATDU haven’t had the tank for even 4 months yet. 1500hp is also part of the guidelines set out for the program. APS is fairly easy to bolt on and integrate into the systems of the tank as others have said and the 1500hp will be achieved with an upgraded turbo pack among other upgrades. I already said this months ago and I check back on this forum and see 50 odd replies arguing about it and saying that it’s not what’s in game
This isn’t directed at you Luque but my god you all need to read the title of the thread. the challenger 3TD in game is not what this thread is about. This thread is about the actual challenger 3. the 3TD is essentially just the 2LEP
Megatron has been retired and will be getting ready to be handed over to the tank museum. Megatron’s chassis is bent and so she cannot be upgraded to a challenger 3. I spoke to her commander at tankfest just gone in July
we will have to wait and see what the ATDU come up further down the line as they only received challenge 3 in late 2024. Between September and November time. I can’t remember which of the 3 months
What unholy things have they been doing to BEND the hull of a Challenger?
I can imagine the conversation…
‘We’re going to upgrade Megatron.’
‘Sorry Boss, we broke it. Driver Smith had a brain fart and decided to hoon around a Motocross track, jumps and all. Scared the crap out of the riders and we might have a banana-shaped hull as a result.’’
Honestly I have no idea but she’s an old girl and has gone through a lot. The gearbox testing for the new gearbox spec for challenger 3 for one. She had to pull the CRARRV as fast as she could across rough ground, there is a video on the ATDU twitter page of it
I do wish I had asked him how the hell they bent the chassis but honestly it could have just happened over time. Warped hulls could be crated over ten years of stressful testing or it might have been a single thing that did it. Regardless I am glad she is finally going to get some rest in the good hands of the tank museum
Here’s the thing, technically the engine replacement isn’t part of the CR3 programme, it’s part of the larger HAAIP programme to the most of the CR2 fleet. It’s pretty believable that the MP (who are largely just figure heads with not that much knowledge in the inner machinations of their department) would miss it.
A caveat to that though is the CR3 is missing the extra cooling from the CR2 ARVs (which do have the engine at 1500hp), so we’re probably not looking at a full 1500hp improvement.
It’s not the greatest photos in the world, but you can see the CR3 lacks the extra vents on the hull rear of the Trojan AV. This was because the army wanted to retain the towing points of the CR2 to save on new towing equipment etc
Gaijin: we only take certain documents and a 300 word essay on why and what you want to change to improve a vehicle. word of mouth is not enough, and nor are pictures showing things to be incorrect.
Also Gaijin: Oh, this guy says it’s 1200, so it’s 1200. It’s a nerf to a British tank so thats proof enough!
The thing is, this is from a written question to the Ministry of Defense so its not answered on the spot and instead an answer is prepared with proper time. And whilst the Secretary of State for Defence answers the question he is purely just a mouthpiece for the MoD here.
No, that’s one of the stupid things about the Challenger 3 “upgrade” in game is that it doesn’t have blowout panels but on the CLIP it did and because German engineers were involved it will likely have blowout panels, but Gaijin only has 2 priorities in this game; make Russian stuff superior to all Western stuff and make Britain a absolute sufferfeast for players, and when you have opinionated
Youtubers like @JustinPlaysTV saying that Britain is useless, slow and do no damage (mostly with WW2 tanks and early Cold War) then that makes people hate Britain which only makes it easier to add more terrible vehicles that are either not unique or Dead-On-Arrival
I have no expectations for this tank, so few players play as Britain now. Top tier ground games you are lucky to see 3 players out the 20+ players. Why put the effort into making it good?
CR3 will continue to be a mess it still looks like a CR2 (must use the same armour then) we have no images details on whats contained in the add on armour or the total weight.
It will have trophy which is good but every other tank at top tier will also have an APS system. Negating the advantage. like the good old 4 second reload we once had.
Hopefully we will see DM-73 and ammo wont detonate anymore…blow out panels that work.
Mobility will be the same Gaijin do not understand how a gear box works and they only care about the HP number and not torque. Suspension in game is still modelled based on WW2/Cold war tanks.
Amazing optics and no .50 cal to shoot down helicopters
afaik there’s no photos of the CLIP roof, I don’t recall if there’s anything to confirm that there were blowout panels fitted as part of the testing.
There are images of the TD’s roof, and where the blowout panels should be there’s a solid panel bolted to the roof instead. Besides, it wouldn’t fix the issue with ammo detonating from a breech shot, as in-game the round would also penetrate the door separating the ammo from the fighting compartment, which causes it to kill the crew anyway.
idk if someone told me a nation was bad in WT my first response wouldn’t be to hate that nation but to be apathetic towards it.
The mantlet also looks very similar to same one on the CR2E we have in game? Is that the case or is it a completly redesigned armour array?
I think there has definitely been an element of spite when modelling the CR2 they have done everything they have to miss interpret armour figures “Can stop any 30mm autocannon round” to “30mm KE protection”
Even when the CR2 2F/TES was announced on the dev stream the Russian dev server guy was making jokes when asked “Will this be the best protected tank in game”…He smirks and says no.
I know this is a CR3 thread but Gaijins previous practises have shown we are not going to get a tank that can compete with a Leopard 2A6 let alone the 2A8 the Germans will receive
This is just the result of their interpretation of STANAG testing, which im sure you’re aware many people have already tried to explain the ERA testing procedure for ASPRO-HMT.
I’m not sure what you mean about the mantlet, as far as i’m aware we don’t really know anything about what the TD protection looks like aside from a few seconds from Rhm’s marketing/announcement video