Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

I was meaning more what the gunner sees in the scope

I dunno

was this always 62.5t?


thought this and CR2E would have been given combet weights of 65t and 64t respectively

i think they forgot about them…


Haven’t seen this posted anywhere yet, I’m surpised as its quite cool

I’m also a bit confused as to why the LFP is covered up


Its strange because on their more recent post its also blacked out (using some very high quality methods :p)

stupid question, was the LFP addon armour announced officially before the election?
If not it might be that they’re waiting for permission to announce the LFP addon, and that’s be delayed by the Election? Unlikely though tbh, they’ve had ages at this point

It was announced that contact for both Farnham and EPSOM was singed, but we have not seen it yet.

So I guess from these images we can confirm almost for certain that the Challenger 3 has been fitted with some new external armour, thats some great news

Knowing Gaijin, eventually then the CR3 gets added to the game, the new external armour is just going to be some generic 50mm composite screens.


Hopefully not, im sure they’ll find a way to make it bad though


I unfortunately have negative faith in Gaijin given their past treatment of some MBTS to model a Next Gen Tank without taking the most god awful conservative estimates on its protection.

Weather those estimates are simply not increasing protection or just labeling it with a generic name (See TES ERA) and make it under-perform so badly that its would be considered a waste of time and development to add in the first place.

Then Gaijin will double down on their belief that NATO equipment haven’t progressed past 1990 era technology. While also nerfing NATO tanks based on a drunk russian shooting a 2A4 and not 1 shotting which will then lead Gaijin to nerf all German Leopards and all spall–liners.


Don’t worry, it’ll be 400mm… with a 0.1x KE modifier.


It wouldnt be surprising.

Inb4 CR3 is equally as bad as the Ariete’s War Kit.

I wonder if the censored LFP looks like this:

Nah 62.5 for the CR2E appears to be accurate, challenger 3 could be whatever they want.

Seems like Gordon Murray must have a few secret documents