Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

Okay just to make sure I’m clear

Jon explicitly claims 72,000kg - 72 metric tonnes - for CR3 in the tweet that I screenshotted and included in my reply

We know the weights of CR2 (none of which are 65t which is bugging me):
Training: 62.5 metric tonnes / 68.9 ST / 61.5 LT
Combat: 64 metric tonnes / 70.5 ST / ~63 LT

Taking the CR3 weight of 66 tonnes at face value, we get 72.75 ST / ~65 LT.

So you’re saying Jon just messed up?

Right my Chinese amigo, I start to trust you more now

He is long gone


UK don’t use short tons, only long tons and metric tonnes.

Yea, i added UK there for some reason, thanks for pointign that out

given the army allready pointed out that cr3 will be working side by side with ajax and boxers theres no reason now to put the challenger in a position where it can be flanked.

tes side upgrades were meant to protect inside cities with the lessons learned in iraq. but since ajax and boxers can now use aps theres no reason they cant go there instead of challengers.

not to mention that even outside cities the mod is looking for an aditional number of boxers with close aa support that is very good against drones. they will prolly work with the cr3s all the time mostly

Dont the US trophy using abrams use both trophy and NERA side armour together?

yes but i think moving forward theyll want to do the same setup as uk.

as good as the bradley has been doing in ukraine its starting to show its age.

also the US as so many abrams they can just use them as recon lol

They are getting a new bradley with iron fist aps

We need to put some APS on the Ajax tbh


dw we’re getting LAZERRRRRRRSS!! XD

pesky bees

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is that a new turret as well? pretty sure the ajax will get trophy, but im also pretty sure it will be added as tes like the cr3


That’s just embarrassing for gaijin


watch them take a couple of months to fix lol

There’s always some vehicle with some sort of armour hole, there’s probably a missing plate/thickness from stuff getting moved around when they did the mantlet

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After the (rework) aswell lol


Deffo a new engine then, given what he said @ 2:28
sidenote the lil window wipers are adorable and I kinda want some

you might like it or not, it has been commented about the new upgraded engine of the challenger 3 wich, solves air filtration and improves overall reliability but sadly its still 1200 HP altough it was talked about maybe changing it to the 1630 HP engine, but it would require heavy hull modification to fit it