Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

Are they the same as what Black Night had as well?

I believe so. BN was using Elbit’s Iron Fist system as well, so had a fair bit of their stuff for APS

Aside from the turret-side bolts vanishing and the LFP add-on, it’s basically just the first CR3 prototype we saw. Definitely doesn’t have the same turret and UFP add-ons as the first model.

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It seems so


Does anyone know if CR3 is going to get a new track? or are they using the CR2 tracks?

HAAIP includes suspension upgrades but I’ve not heard anything about the tracks themselves being changed

Same track I think, CR2 got an updated track mid life anyway so it’s not “old”

Looks pretty damn cool all worked up like that, even better when the APS is fitted and nice to see them finally mitigate those hull weakspots…

The price is the weight of up to 80 metric tons (15Pwr)in the future. Xddd

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Ahhh… well that is unfortunate. There’s a good amount of bridges and even terrains they’re likely to be much too heavy for already let alone if they balloon to 80 tonnes.

I wonder how they intend to mitigate that issue. Even a 1750hp engine can’t fix it being that heavy

Maybe Ministry of Defence have given up. It’s only required to drive at a speed of 60 kilometres per hour and crawl slowly to the destination.
As for the new high-horsepower engine, we still need to continue to observe whether the subsequent prototype has modified the engine compartment. If not, it is probably the classic 1200Hp.

Where is the 80t figure coming from?

The standard model is 66 tons, and the full set of NMA is 80 tons.
The current Tes is 74.8 tons, and the weight is only much more.

I’m not sure that using the TES as an example is fitting when we know new armour will be used, the trophy APS will likely reduce the amount of protection needed, and the model suggests a redesign of the LFP protection at the very least.

It’s also worth pointing out that 62.5t is the training weight of CR2, with the combat weight (fully loaded but no add-on) is 64t. For some reason the RBSL comparison between CR2 and 3 lists it as 65t, and CR3 as 66t. Going from that, the weight increase before considering add-ons looks to be 1-2t.

Revealed by the deputy editor-in-chief of Jane’s Land System:

I would trust this guy about as far as you can throw him. He insits that CR3 will not get an engine upgrade at all, where as both the MOD and Army have reported engine upgrades. + the only weight number we have atm is a 66tonne combat weight, the APS selected is only an 500KG increase in weight, so I would not imagine a massive increase for new, lighter armour packages.

The most recent mention I saw was part of a thread in October 2023 discussing the possibility (or lack thereof) of an uplift to 1500hp.



This got me curious about the 72t figure mentioned, as it seems like it would be the basis for the 80t claim (the add-on has to be fitted to the tank, after all), and that 15hp/t does translate to an 80t weight. However, going through all his tweets mentioning CR3 I didn’t see that 72t figure again (unless I missed it) but did see the “just shy of 79t” claim from back in April 2021 and a 79.5t claim from August 2022 (though with no clarification of what “projected extras” would entail)



Searching by LEP also produced no results, so I changed tack and searched for that figure and, well, it seems that first tweet is his only one mentioning it. And before you ask, yes, I did include replies in the search. I tried the search again but with “72” instead of “72t,” there still wasn’t any other mention as far as I could see.


If you know what this 72t figure is based on or have a screenshot of the original mention/reasoning for it then please do share.

72 probably means that ST is converted to about 66 metric tons.

72,000 kg is 72 metric tons…

short tons, not metric tonnes