Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

The 500mm req was for challenger 2 and is what should be the protection in game rn

Never seen this before defo a interesting look.

Yeah the whole turret Looks to be a complex mesh of Modern materials

The physical thickness of the new armor pack appears to be even thicker than the original armor pack + additional armor plate

any link?

Looks the same to me. Same plate just integrated into the UFP.


Some even better images


yea but it looks a lot thicker from the drivers hatch to the top

exactly, so its like the ufp has less slope

Maybe, Seems the photographer took the pic while kneeling since it adds a “dramatic” effect

I wonder what these squares are for ?

they probably do the same thing the ones on the Abrams do, thermal pads for friend from foe detection

That’s what I thought, But never know with modern tech

I reckon they plan to add some modular armour to the turret roof since that would explain why the loaders hatch is so high and other elements

Can’t tell if the outer parts of the UFP share the up-armouring. If not then the frontal arc protection would suffer.


full size photo

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The UFP is taller though so it is thicker overall

Well at least we can see the chain gun is still there in this one

i was going crazy about that not gona lie lol

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