Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

now u gotta prove, they talking about the coming finished chally 3 or the demonstrator?

Can’t wait to see (Not a bug)…

The original press release from the MoD, which forces news would have been provided, quotes the speed in mph when it’s actually kph. The government website corrected the units in their article but other news outlets haven’t changed it.

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Hey. Forces news would be a secondary source at best. As others have pointed out, it’s figure may be erroneous too.

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Gunjob has already opened a report

Please for the love of god stop going into every thread ever and bugging him about it, its getting annoying for me to see it in threads that have NOTHING to do with the Harrier you pestering him about it.


Well… it’s funny.

They were so quick to change the engine power from 1,500 hp to 1,200 after the bug report…

Except it should have been 1,217 and they just ate 17 hp because converting units is hard.

Yet I did a bug report about that, and there it is, sitting rotting. They took away 17 hp (0.27 hp/t) from the tank over not converting units (bhp to hp) and they still haven’t fixed it.

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@Fireball_2020’s report covers it should be 1:1 with the other CR2’s including the missing 17hp.


I hope the developers address this ASAP.

The fact that they didn’t double check the units before immediately applying a change, yet it’s taking them so long to correct said mistake, is kinda… sad.

Challenger 3 (TD) already has one of the worst mobilities in Top Tier, and it just can’t afford to have 0.27 less HP/T than it should over the devs taking away 17 HP from it for not converting units.

I don’t understand how they didn’t take a split second to change it from 1,500 to 1,200, yet it’s taking them this long to correct 1,200 to 1,217.

Nah I think TWS working through terrain should be more of a priority for them tbh

They’ve yet to adjust M735 even after admitting its wrong.

What makes you think Gaijin will feel the need to open a file and simply change a 1200 to 1217. That’s a 40hr work weeks worth of paying someone, and of course its British so maybe like 80 hours worth of work to fix the missing 17 horsepower.


I bet Gaijin is already getting annoyed with how much they are being pestered with the 17hp, they might spite nerf the TES more.

Nerf’d within a month… Let’s see if the same rules apply for a buff lol I’m betting we’ll be waiting a year like many other reports that’ll improve vehicles

I’d much rather the Challenger 2 actually get a meaningful buff instead of 17 extra horsepower

Why “rather”?

The Challengers underperform so much because they are surrounded by “small nerfs”.
Each “small nerf” counts, and each correction would too.

We need to aim to have everything corrected!

Alas that’s the old Challenger 2 turret being taken off, not the new Challenger 3 turret to be put on

Man… imagine a hybrid challenger 3 x 2e mad