Challenger 3 MBT - Technical Data and Discussion

actually slightly less

Except at least not every single mantlet penetration would lead to ammo detonation insta-death as it does now.

if there is ONE tank in the game that needs and deserves DM63 from a gameplay perspective, it’s Challenger 3 (TD). It is also the shell it was historically tested with as well.

Maybe, if Challenger 3 (TD) gets DM63 and its 5 second reload… MAYBE, then it will become a vehicle worthy of being a tech tree’s pinnacle.


Brit players go through that progression faster than an Alcoholic gets through a bottle of w(h)ine

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I’m not sure what DM63 would bring to the table in War Thunder though.

Same kinetic performance as DM53, even DM73 would still be extremely similar with only a minor 10mm penetration increase via 30 m/s higher velocity.

I’m doubtful that Gaijin would model the resistance to detonation of this type of propellant.

It would bring A LOT to Challenger 3 (TD)!

As of now, each and every single shell that hits the mantlet insta-kills Challenger 3 (TD) via ammo detonation because it has all the ammo stored right behind the mantlet with no blowout panels.

With DM63, the survival chances would increase dramatically and allow Challenger 3 (TD) not to immediately die as soon as it’s shot that once in a while, hahah.

DM63 for Challenger 3 (TD) would basically be its own form of “blowout panel”, to make up for the lack of one; and it would actually be even better for this tank, since only the destroyed ammo would disappear and not the whole rack. But since each mantlet hit lands on the ammo, it’s only fair.


Ah, missed that!

Well, it would be the main selling point, and it’s easy to code (just reduce ammo detonation chance to maybe 1% or even 0%), so I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it.

Nothing much is known about DM73 the only thing that we know is that it retains higher energy compared to other 120mm rounds and from its firing trails from challenger 3 prototype it is a very accurate shell at 5000m.

The only other round that would be better than DM73 would possibly be the KE2020Neo which apparently has at least 20% increased performance over all current APFSDS and it can take full advantage of the L55A1 increase chamber pressure which means it will have ahigher mv than what dm73 can do in a L55A1 !!

A lot is known about DM73 though? We know its velocity, we know its dimensions and we also know its density. Estimating it is a breeze (note: the in-game dimensions are somewhat wrong due to Gaijin’s reluctance to use WSM 4 - 1 alloy’s proper density, which is 18.5g/cc in real life. I made a report about it a while ago, though sadly it hasn’t really led to any fixes/changes (yet)).

As for your second paragraph, I was planning on refraining from commenting on that cause it’s clear to me you haven’t got that much knowledge in that particular regard, but ye nah, gotta do it:

  • DM83s velocity is unknown, and just because it has 20% more energy (not penetration, energy) doesn’t mean it will have a higher muzzle velocity than DM73, in fact it will likely have a lower velocity due to the increased weight of the new penetrator (rumoured to be well over 7.5kg’s).
  • As I have mentioned previously, 20% denotes the increase in kinetic energy over the current in-service APFSDS in Germany, not “raw performance”/RHA perforation. Although, that is still a massive increase, seeing as it will put DM83 roughly on par with ETC cannons of old and only a few MJs below what France’s 140mm is capable of currently.

I’ve literally just learnt off KE2020NEO. Like i honestly thought DM73 was a new round but it’s been out since 2021 !!

A game worth playing

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KE2020NEO its designated as DM83, in fact KE2020 is what we know as DM73

Gaijin nerfed the engine power of the Challenger 3 in only a month or two, yet its been 5-6 months and the Challengers still don’t have their lower front plate spall liners despite there being visual evidence

If they want to nerf the Challengers in some areas, fine, but at least buff them too when valid information is provided to prove so


which, i hasten to point out, should not be the case, since because our engine nerf was done on the basis that the Production Vehicle did not have it, the 3TD should have Blowout Panels as it will do on the Production variant.


Sounds like there is potential for a whole lot of bug reports to be created here.

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i think the lack of blowup pannels its cuz it uses insensitive ammo, and they just tought if they can use insensitive ammo they can cut some custs altough idk its just a theory

that theory would be correct if only apfsds ammo would be used,
but there is the DM11 or heat fs as well and those are sensitive

DM11 uses insensitive propellant and explosives, idk as for DM12 tho since heatfs is not being produced anymore afaik

I doubt it properly as it was only a mock up and never meant to be use in combat

Im sure the production one will have it

mytho ur british? go sacrifice for the team rush their factories and sneak inside a chally 3, that’s the only way