Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

You mean the sound proofing

Yeah that’s not happening, they said in their post that other tanks are going to have to wait till the next major and that’s ‘if’ we can find a credible source that survives the gaijin moderators

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Lmao, this comment on the Rus forums

Some friendly people on the Rus forums :))

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no it wont, they will just rename dm54 to dm63. its not like the wet storage of the challengers are modelled

It’s not the wet ammo storage that makes DM 63 less likely to explode but the propellant used


was a great read, thanks!

What psheki means?

Probably Poland since they are the only ones going with the K2 in Europe

Its russian very offensive name of the Poland

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Yeah I was pretty sure that its about my Poland. I’ve never heard it before

Russians are very fond of insults. We call the British chayehlebs (teadrinkers), so I chose this nickname and wrote it in English.

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i was talking about the standard challengers i know about the propellent in the german rounds

Now thats funny

Never thought I’d be spending my Saturday morning trying to find the exact specifications of the spall liner in chieftain tanks.

It’s like trying to prove water is wet. We all know it had it, we all know it’s made of kevlar but finding the exact specs isn’t easy so far.

My theory, is that at the very least if we get it added to the chieftain then it makes no logical sense for the challengers not to have it, so they should get it by default.

I live in hope.


Watch this video from 0:33 with an auto-translator.
It’s very funny, that he said))))

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want an easy way email this guy
he restores them

or we can all put in and get a mk10


Worth a shot, going to write up an email.

I don’t even mind if I’m wrong and it doesn’t have it, I just want to know at this point. :D

Same for me, I have the Haynes Workshop manual.
But I was successful for the Chally 1 but I don’t know if it’s enough to warrant a bug report

@Gunjob since you wanted more information, would this be enough?


Good work this is good

You can try.
I will also call @Fireball_2020
He made the original report so if you combined that you maybe can do something