Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

The issue with it is the lack of an updating FCS. There’s too long of a gap between range findings to reliably hit a moving target. Definitely a VT fuze would make the world of difference

Airburst = / = proxy

Ohhh i see the airburst is just timed. not a proxy airburst >.>

Proximity HE is a very unique round that doesn’t have much purpose (for tanks, artillery use it to detonate above ground)

The American M830A1(yes I know it’s heat) is unique because it was designed to also hit helicopters which is why it has proximity fuze. It’s also a sabot to increase velocity.

Don’t expect proxy fuze HE any time soon in game and irl. Even the American new AMP round afaik doesn’t have proximity fuze.

A little topic i made


The Russian community decided to die endlessly on Challenger 3 (p) in order for the statistics to drop. Perhaps this will draw the attention of developers to the problem of the tank.

Wdym by that?

Because the developers are guided by the statistics of the effectiveness of tanks. If the statistics are too low, the developers will improve the tank.

Oh, that’s what you meant. I just did not understood what you meant by it. I guess ill join it. Die to Bots!


Poor turms

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any links would love to read


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We could push for DM 63 alongside the 2A7V thread. It would be way less explosive if hit and give the Chally 3 a bit less chance to spontaneously combust

It’s unlikely to get any better ammo because they use it as a balancing tool… Good luck trying to convince the snail that the CR3(P) is not balanced right now

DM 63 apperantly doesn’t have a huge increase in pen
From the 2A7V thread

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But less likely to go boom when hit

you can make a report on it

But it has an increase, therefore would buff the capabilities. We’re getting CR3 (P) live in it’s current state, years of playing Britain has convinced me of this

No doubt. It’s going to be released a buggy mess like the other challengers and it will stay that way.

At this point, I’d be surprised if they even give it a spall liner.

If the challengers and chieftains don’t have their spall liners when everyone else gets them, I am going to be exceedingly pissed off.

This upcoming update is turning out to be a bit of a crossing of the rubicon for gaijin. But of a disaster this one lads.