yeah that could happen to
hello there, i am the creator of the E.N.T post (the tank you mentioned), technically it can be added because its an unfinished prototype, which is enough for it to be added, also the mockup was made for the 140mm cannon, its not the entire tank
TISP would apply to any post 2019 variants, so we could argue OES in its current form has it.
It would be absolutely in character for GJN to make the only good CR2 a premium, whilst leaving all the others broken/rubbish.
From what year is the OES we will get?
Yea, but whats the year? DT 22 AA is the same that goes around Bovington up to this day with new barracuda ect during the tankfest, so the date of this specific “Look” would be nice.
2013 ish
I would love a current era one, in 2G standard and post TISP.
Ok, so it is there from 2013, now i need to find the deiling when it started mounting the new barracuda
That’ll be “Megatron 2 Electric Boogaloo” haha (I’m just joking around here that isn’t anything Official).
It seems like from 2011, and it started wearing the new barracuda in 2016
So the OES we have now is up to 2015, so no TISP
That’s called good brakes and being front heavy xD
Shhh, someone might fall for it
But if it does not have TISP in game, we wont get is as it got the new Barracuda somewhere in 2015/16 and we will probably get the new mega in the tt
Unlikely we are most likely going to get the LEP
Unless they decide to not give us the new Barracude, we will either get it as an modification on OES, or we will get another CR2 in the TT with it. It is too iconic look to ignore it
fair enough im still hoping its the LEP with L55
Would be L/55A1 no?