Challenger 2 needs to be brought to developers attention

For LEP I’d imagine they will either do standard CR2 armour or maybe buff the composite while reworking the thin outer plates.

Well, if standard 2 route i would be mad, if upgraded, i hope that mantlet would get stronger, crew would sit lower and cheeks get a little stronger.
Or the funny way, no info if composite is even there so only outer armor plate, 50mm of protection for the lols

Idk if they actually advertised improved armour for LEP?

Though having the ufo add-on would be nice.

Pretty sure they did, as it started with new turret, and LEP got it back then. Well the only big difference from LEP to Cr3 (the one rn) is the trophy mockup

We have yet to see CR3 so it’s hard to make opinions about it.

I will be sad if the Cr 2 XXX woud be just OES that was found somewhere else without the OES openly said, and there will be no new Cr2 beside OES

I mean the change from calling it LEP to calling it Cr3, the only difference is on one of the showcases, while under new name it got the trophy mockup

Appears to still be a technology demonstrator, I’d imagine we’ll see actual CR3 next year.

It is MoD we are talking about. It will take 3 more years of funding untill we see the new turret desing, and even then there will be some things that will be changed and it will drag on and on and on


They wouldn’t give us a premium if there was nothing to grind for

Worst case scenario funds will end and Cr3 will end like all the other failed Cr2 upgrades

They will move BN and 2E to rank 8. Enough of a reason

Doubt it if everyone else is getting something new

Do we know everyone else gets things? We know some nations will get premiums in later updates, but we do not know if they will get new things for sure

Well im only guessing from the leak list
And there are new leopards confirmed

Well, you know how those lists are. What gets added from each one is a roll of the dice.

Well it got two thing right so far so we will see

Completely ignore it probably, just like they did with M1A2 SEP.

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