Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

The what?

Britain and Russia have been having…. disagreements for centuries for various things. The great game was around Asia/India etc. Never turned into open warfare (crimea wasn’t part of the great game) but a lot of proxy conflicts. This was centuries ago.

Perfidious Albion is just a meme about how Russia seems to think the UK is the root of everything that ails Russia and we get blamed for some really weird shit. I picked up the meme on reddits noncredibledefense.

(From around the time of the Moskva incident)

Tldr- I’m a history nerd and it’s a joke 🙂


someone get this man a small sum of money equivalent to £1 million

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Chally seems even slower than prior, and not in an insignificant way.

I am hoping I am wrong, but can anyone else give their opinion on if it changed or stayed the same?

I mean yea, weight went up to 64t, add on packages got heavier, and the CR1s also had a weight increase

Slower now, C3 armor and mobility nerfed and… notice anything here?


They moved the ammo?


Ammo now filled from the front back, so no more unkillable AP in the back of the turret and a whole load of charges around the driver.

There is a silver lining to it though. There is a very large area in the middle of the tank that’s empty space now.

they done that will all verhicles, even from the Abrams, Leopards and any other ww2 verhicle, soo its a bug

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You say that, but i know for almost certain they’ll just look at us and tell us its intentional no matter if its a bug or not. I think they do it just so they dont have to rush to fix all of these things.

The armour is broken as well, all chally 2s can be penned by every sabot on the upper front plate and the chally 1s can have their cheeks penned by l26 at 1500metres so theyre all bugged.

Who would have guesses they fucked up the model again due to changing a minor armour value on the skirt armour… maybe they dont fix our bugs because it would brake the game?


I hope you reported this bug, because i reported this kind of bug many years ago on challenger ds and they fixed this within few months.

I created two reports about Challengers 2 issues

You might need to include more info in the bug reports otherwise they’ll probably just deny them

I truly hate how they bug reports sometimes. We must prove something is wrong, which they already know is wrong but wont action on it until proven…

Welp. Tried the TES.

It feels like you’re wading through treacle again.

The tank has the same reload as the abrams, armour which a toddler with ADD could model better and now you’re even slower as well.

I wouldn’t mind the weight increase, if they actually tried to improve things by implementing regenerative steering but as it stands, this change should not have been implemented. The tank is all guesswork anway, so making it less mobile while still being crippled with it’s transmission is, quite frankly, a load of shit.

I really want to see their sources for these weight gains.

I mean 64t is known to be the combat weight, but I would like to see where the add-on mass comes from. Not cause I’m bitter about the changes, I’m just a nerd and wanna see if they have any cool documentation about it

From the Cr1 official document. Not sure if it was some addition to the manual, or a Gulf report, but is it gov one