Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

More changes to the already bad Challengers which forces you even more to find the nearest hill from spawn and sit at it patiently while you wait to get rushed down by impenetrable leopards and T-80s.

Lets make already bad tanks worse while providing no buff to relieve that pain of playing said tank, Good job Gaijin.



Meanwhile, in real life :

Can’t be real though, the tank doesn’t come to a grinding halt when going around a corner.


I love how the engine change was done within a month unnecessarily nerfing a prototype vehicle… Meanwhile something that’s actually helpful… I dunno dealing with cas at high tier and even reducing the vehicles BR still sitting on the shelf for over a YEAR Community Bug Reporting System


It’s ok the Germans are also sad their 2A7 isn’t impervious to every shell like it should be…
One player said and I quote “Unplayable”

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There is a thread on the game discussion forum about Russian tanks now being unplayable as they have their autoloaders modelled.

I giggled.


Imagine no longer being able to steam roll 90% of your matches… Must be heartbreaking…time to let go of W

Nation mains normally have the worst takes tbh, i can at least say I’ve finished Germany, Sweden, usa, Russia, France and Britain to at least 11.0 to have an understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. The challenger 2/3 is still arguably some of the worst top tier mbts imo. I’d take a leclerc or abrams over it any day of the week.

Mobility and armour are more important than fire power.
CR2 excells in nothing, armour is poor, mobility is sub standard and the fire power is also lackluster.

It really does nothing well, excluding looking good.

I have had far more success uptiering my Vickers Mk 7 than using the CR2


I really want to know what sources they use to gimp everything British tbh…


Nah, cant you tell the video is sped up by 100% This may be the most brain dead response they gave, other than “according to our experts” which basically translates to “our Russian player base”.

Im grinding the arietes rn to add to my collection of dog shit mbts, The type 10/90 are good enough to the point i dont like playing them all that much and ive decided not to go above 9.7 france as the leclercs make me visably ill just by looking at them (some of the worst looking tanks in the world, especially compared to what they could have been with the amx 40).

The MK7 is a babe even is again it’s armour is underperforming, especially thr mantlet

They just gave it the challenger mantlet, which makes no sense considering the mk 7 turret could take a range of cannons (we could have been given the french or german 120mm but instead we were stuck with the fucking british 120mm)

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so essentially no mantlet… lol air is the best armour

Lets not forget about the mystical source for the TES Aluminum backing plate. Biggest ass pull of the century.


About that.
@Smin1080p sorry for the ping, but i have to ask that. Do we have any way to ask developers to provide us with sources, or name of the sources used to change specific thing?

I’m convinced that that was changed out of spite for making them bring attention to the Challengers.

“You guys want your tank to be better? Fuck you for making us do our job, here’s a nerf.”

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We sadly cant provide individual sources on request. We would be here forever more with people asking all the time. If a report is submitted with counter evidence, then generally the source used to make the change is stated if its rejected.

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We have a source for the base plate being composed of steel.