But it is already not mobile enough to be correct?
This is somewhat upsetting.
But it is already not mobile enough to be correct?
This is somewhat upsetting.
The mobility nerfs are in the form of weight increases for the versions with add-on packages
No, base weight goes up from 62.5 to 64t, and then certain packages go up as well
Yea I forgot about it going from training weight to combat weight, but the changes aren’t unreasonable (afaik the ammo load you take doesn’t affect mass)
What gets me is this :
The challenger 2 has just been through a “thorough” review, and yet, suddenly more information appears to show a weight increase.
So, either something has been released with new data, which I have very large doubts about, they completely missed it in their “thorough” review, or they’re just making shit up.
It has to be one of those 3 things.
Personally, if I were gaijin, I wouldn’t add the extra weight. The vehicle struggles enough as it is and the transmission modelling is so shit which cripples it even more. There are no upsides and they can’t even claim realism, as they just make up armour values etc anyway.
The vehicle is far less mobile in this game than in real life, largely due to gaijin refusing to implement regenerative steering or any form of actual decent transmission modelling.
The extra weight is just going to make it worse, and there are zero benefits or upsides.
Weight increases… Protection doesn’t lmao… Wow
I thought the protection from the ASPRO ERA was improved recently? In any case, the reality is that it is easier to find reliable and accurate data on weight than it is armour protection.
Nope it did not. They just changed x-ray displayed CE value on the TES (and forgot OES exists). Protection is the same.
I saw 3 OES in a game earlier. Most I’ve ever seen at once.
Congrats on your 3 free kills! (or 3 dead teammates)
New floating aerial unlocked. Happens when your pizza table gets shot off.
In other news, I’m coming around to think the 2F is just superior to the TES.
Always has been
How dare you, never has and never will (I just dont want to spade any more challengers, and if they ever fix it ill be playing the TES and not anything elsee… the copiums set to max).
Again, havent played the CR2 for a short while.
Took it out just now.
3min 20 seconds before i got 1 tapped through the mantlet. (despite me putting 4 L27 rounds into its mantlet and only turning it yellow)
If you want a more enjoyable experience, wedge a pen down your urethra.
Despite the plethora of bug reports showing how wrong the devs got it, they still implement it as poorly as possible.
Theyre just trolling us by putting it in as an absolute joke.
TES wins in looks.
That’s about the only reason you’d take a chally with the state of them so TES wins overall.
British Joke2 MBT~
Gaijin is still fixing the “bug” that is helpful for the Joke2 experience and turning a blind eye to the “bug” choice that is not good for the play experience.
i feel like some gaijin employee got sniped by a challenger and vowed to make the challengers garbage for aslong as they live
They’re still salty about the great game, not to mention the whole perfidious albion thing.