Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah well Gaijin really are doing themselves no favours with this one.
I play the damn thing. And infrequent as it is, its always in the back of your head that you may just explode because Gaijin feels like you should.

Utter, utter disgrace. Gaijin don’t deserve a penny more as far as British vehicles are concerned until they fix all of them. Unfortunately because Britain is a “minor” nation they’ll never lose enough revenue to care.

Or buff the Stormer by giving the missiles auto track. So you don’t have to guide the damn things.

Oh and buff the tracking system. I’ve lost too many locks for no good reason, to stuff like “clouds” and “thin air”

I’d like them to just give it Martlet missiles.

8KM range, proxy fuse and a HEAT warhead. Slower but much more consistent and easier to use.

If they could give us a target sensitivity option for the IRST that would be great too, its really annoying having your IRST search cluttered by scout drones and missiles all the time haha



I was not aware that the Challenger 3 incorporated aerogel applique armour ;)

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I dont think it needs that much to be honest, but a lead indicator like you get with radar guns such as the Marksman would be more than suffecient.

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A proxy warhead would be a godsend. Right now anyone with any sort of lag or unstable connection basically can’t use the Stormer and expect to kill anything.

More to the point a self guiding weapon would be nice.


Remember that stormer “fire and forget” is not bound to Starstreak, it is a part of the vechicle systems, so LMM woud also get “F&F”


People should vote with their wallets, but unfortunately I don’t think it will change anything. GJN have made their mind up about which customers they actually care about.

They released the Lightning premium, and didn’t bother to fix the Red Top missiles which are underperforming. Since I’ve been playing, that’s the quickest I’ve seen a premium added to the game and then removed (one or two updates?), so sales must have absolutely tanked. At this point it’s like they just enjoy trolling us - TES is the worst CR2, so of course that’s the one selected to be made into a premium. And don’t bother with the “we had limited options and went with what was available” spin-master spiel. I’ve heard it too many times before to still believe it.

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But prefer they fix starstreak that thing is god damn killer in Ukraine

They work like 90% of the time now though ?
At least in the apache, haven’t tried stormer in a while.

TES is worse than a base Challenger 2, why would the TES be at a higher BR?

Because a stock leopard 2 can’t side pen you

Stock leo 2 comes with darts now so it can?

Your aware thats a issue for most tanks that fight anything with ERA right?, god forbid your a stock Type 90 or TKX P against russia lol


That is one of the least convincing reasons to uptier a vehicle I’ve come across.

They see slightly more armour, so it must be better.

It’s been a while since I checked, the base ch2 gets l27 right?


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Would be better at closer ranges too, especially if you bring a mixed loadout, smart cas players will come in low and fast against stormer players because they know the missiles suck at close range, having a proxy missile to bridge this problem would be a godsend.

it wasn’t a good reason i was merely stating the only advantage over the base

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