Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

To be fair if the Base Chally 2’s ERA pack was accurate it would also protect its side from all tank HEAT-FS

Eeee, no. We got some primary sources for Cr1 recently, and as Base Cr2 used the same VARMA as Cr1, it will be 300CE

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Would that not be just the ERA alone? and then that iirc is enough to stop most tank HEAT-FS

Oh wait, you mean the ERA at the front. Well, it should, i read NERA for some reason.

Enjoying this meme lately :



nah i think the devs have favourites

the leadership who cant model a bar of soap only care about the colour green. if leadership didnt came down looking for answers the rework would never had happened.

its also the reason why it was best modeled in the dev. until a senior dev looked at it.


Im not sure if any of these links have been posted before. Maybe they can be used for something regarding the TES/OES kit since that is ASPRO-HMT. Im not smart enough or have as much knowledge regarding any of the CR2 armour kits as you gentlemen do.

Rafael Armor Shield R Stuff

Rafael ASPRO-H Stuff

Rafael a de plus reçu le prix Frost & Sullivan du produit de l’année pour 2009 de
l’industrie d’armement pour son “système avancé de blindage hybride - le ASPRO
HMT.”20 Les systèmes de protection d’ASPRO (protection de blindage) sont utilisés
dans le Merkava Mk 4, principal char de combat de l’armée israélienne, utilisé dans les
territoires palestiniens occupés)21. En fait, les chars Merkava sont utilisés par l’armée
israélienne depuis la fin des années 1970.22 L’utilisation des technologies de protection
de Rafael telles que l’ASPRO permettent à l’armée israelienne d’utiliser des chars
Merkava dans les zones de combat urbain ainsi que dans “les patrouilles ou autres types
de conflits à faible intensité normalement assignés à de plus petits véhicules”23. Ainsi,
les technologies construites par Rafael sont utilisées pour permettre au char Merkava de
l’armée israélienne de fonctionner de façon plus effective dans les territoires
palestiniens occupés, et renforcent ainsi les violations des droits de l’homme dans ces
C’était un char Merkava-4 qui a causé la mort du caméraman de Reuters agé de
24 Fadel Shana tué le 16 avril 2008. Shana, qui était en train de filmer l’armée
israélienne à Gaza, était dans un véhicule de presse proprement labélisé juste avant
l’attaque.24 Il filmait en plein air en utilisant un pied de caméra. Avihai Mandelblit,
brigadier général et conseiller des Forces de Défenses Israéliennes a déchargé les
équipages des chars ainsi que leurs supérieurs hiérarchiques de toutes responsabilités,
et a conclu à la place que “la décision de tirer un obus visant à détruire des fantassins
sur une équipe de télévision de deux personnes était ‘raisonnable’ et ‘justifiée’’”25 Huit
autres civils âgés de 12 à 20 ans ont été tués dans cet incident, et au moins sept passants
ont été blessés.
Les technologies de Rafael sont réputées avoir été aussi utilisées dans des
attaques aveugles contre des civils durant l’offensive israélienne à Gaza en décembre
2008/Janvier 2009.26 Des missiles de moyenne portée Spike-MR – fabriqués par
Rafael – ont été utilisés dans des attaques lancées par des engins aériens automatiques
(UCAV) et ont tué au moins 29 civils selon Human Rights Watch (HRW).

Translation using Google Translate

Rafael also received the Frost & Sullivan Product of the Year Award for 2009.
the arms industry for its “advanced hybrid armor system - the ASPRO
HMT.”20 ASPRO protection systems (armor protection) are used
in the Merkava Mk 4, the main battle tank of the Israeli army, used in
occupied Palestinian territories)21. In fact, Merkava tanks are used by the army
Israeli since the late 1970s.22 The use of protective technologies
of Rafael such as ASPRO allow the Israeli army to use tanks
Merkava in urban combat zones as well as in “patrols or other types
low-intensity conflicts normally assigned to smaller vehicles”23. So,
technologies built by Rafael are used to enable the Merkava tank to
the Israeli army to operate more effectively in the territories
occupied Palestinians, and thus reinforce the violations of human rights in these
It was a Merkava-4 tank that caused the death of the Reuters cameraman aged
24 Fadel Shana killed on April 16, 2008. Shana, who was filming the army
Israeli in Gaza, was in a properly marked press vehicle just before
the attack.24 He was filming outdoors using a camera stand. Avihai Mandelblit,
brigadier general and advisor to the Israeli Defense Forces unloaded the
tank crews as well as their hierarchical superiors of all responsibilities,
and concluded instead that “the decision to fire a shell aimed at destroying infantrymen
on a two-person television crew was ‘reasonable’ and ‘justified’”25 Eight
other civilians aged 12 to 20 were killed in this incident, and at least seven bystanders
have been hurt.
Rafael’s technologies are known to have also been used in
indiscriminate attacks on civilians during the Israeli offensive in Gaza in December
2008/January 2009.26 Spike-MR medium-range missiles – manufactured by
Rafael – were used in attacks launched by automatic aerial vehicles
(UCAV) and killed at least 29 civilians according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

If the Merkavas do use ASPRO-HMT, then the armour layout would be near identical in TES/OES bricks, no?


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We all know where these senior devs come from and which nation they enjoy favoring the most


I’m sure with enough digging you can find patents that would correlate to some of the CR2 Armour kits

This is just an example of one patent: GB2200437A - Reactive armour - Google Patents

The gun handling should be lower sadly.

You sure isn’t it different between the two


Time to get to work guys

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I’m sorry I know this is the wrong thread, but what. Mig-15 & Early Sabre to 8.0 lmao. Can’t wait to have to fight that in my Spitfire Mk 24


Yeah… They also forgot the Hunter F1 exists


The handling between the CR1 and CR2 shouldn’t the CR2 be better or the same not worse

Is that simple deduction I hear, begone. This is gaijin bitch.


Given I didn’t fall asleep during TEC’s video, I was awake to hear him make a good point:

Where the hell is the Swift F.1 and F.7
The Venom, the Sea Hawk? What about the French 8.0-9.0 jets? They all got glossed over, and some of those need to be moved down in tandem with the current changes if they are carried out.


The games a total s*** show for many reasons. nothing should surprise anyone anymore.

War Thunder is just a cash cow for the devs.


Venom still being 8.7 is funny. Something as fast as a prop is having to face jets like the 2T? I tried flying it but all it was is everyone running away from you and you end up dying to some random from space who wasn’t spotted.

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