Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Oh ok, thank you very much. I will use that when i get on my pc

@Gunjob can you take a look at my reports? I wanted to wait if someone will take a notice of them but it seems like no one will.

Why’s it need the dust cover all the way down the front edge if there’s no backing to the apparently thicker section?

The front part of the skirt needs to stand off more because of this flange above the first road wheel which is part of the mudguard assy

I don’t think this one is suitable. The video isn’t going to be enough, it’d be better if you could find a text press release or some marketing materials.

Yea, that is where the problem begins. Everywhere it is talked about the digitalization of the turret or the smoothbore gun, but the weight is ignored. Is seriously manufacturer statement but on video not valid?
Well i will try to look either way

Hmm? Sorry I don’t follow.

If you cannot find anything I will see if the devs will accept it, but I’m trying to make sure its successful so the other materials I suggested would be better.

There aren’t marketing materials because the vehicle itself isn’t being marketed xD

Im trying my best, trust me

I found a turret on a crane, but still no weight. They all speak about cannon and digtalization. Why cant there be a single thing that is a simple c&p of the interview?

That’s the test rig

Btw if somebody wants to dig into the specs of DNGS T3 and Orion sights that would be useful.

So you want me to break into Rbsl hq, huh?

Zoomed in.

The image you posted shows that starting roughly where the 2nd road wheel is, there is as section of the skirt assy as thick as the apparent “dust cover” section on top, that runs all the way to the bottom of the skirt.
I’m questioning why the skirt appears to have that depth for the entire coverage of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th road wheels if the assy is two thin screen sections: one covering 1st to 5th and the other only the 6th.

It’d make more sense to me if it was a sandwich of two screens that overlap between the 2nd and 5th with the front screen overhanging to cover the 1st (and allowing the extra standoff needed to fit the mudguard) and the back screen overhanging to cover the 6th where the skirt coverage doesn’t need to be as thick since it’s only protecting the engine not the crew section.

Original image

Cant find anything else. It has to be the shot with the video. I also tried german and russian sides of the internet but it also gave me noting
Now we wait. Thanks

The screen ends on the 1st drive wheel
the missing part is the jamming box (with megatron slapped on the photo) and the plates bechind it

For the memes.

I’ve forwarded the last report, but I’m not confident it will be accepted. If you do find any extra materials for the weight let me know.


Ok, i will break in and steal their memes

Im trying my hardest but everyone just talk about either gun and digitalization, history or the work places it bring. There is only one place i did not checked, that is Janes full article, as you need to be a sub to see it.

If its Janes I wouldn’t bother. Its not considered to be reliable by the developers.

I see, well i go back looking for anything
Yea, i give up for now. Even things in chinese are just c&p of other things that are copies of rheinmetall talk on their site (it does not include anything about weight)

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