Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Sure, I don’t mind! Anything that makes them not needlessly nerf an already interestingly effective tank.

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Will try to so something with it once my energy comes back

It’s a long shot but my MP is on the defence committee, would it be worth asking them for information?

Well, idk. Im not sure how things like that work here?
@Gunjob help? (sorry for the ping again)

A written statement could be useful but I’m unsure how successful it could be. MP’s overall are pretty stupid (lets be real) haha.


Then you can try i guess? If they can confirm that the weight did not increased then in 2019 we would go somewhere, or so i think?
Man the modern things are a mess…

I’m not sure they would even provide that information. And it might not even be accepted.

Every shot is worth something. I guess?

I guess if you’re really up for it, then you could send an inquiry to RBSL/MoD themselves as they’ll probably generally be smarter, and will still only release what is allowed.

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Now that i thinked about, will asking Rheinmetall or BEA about it do anything? How do i ask a arms making company as a civilan fron neither UK nor Germany about a project from 2019 that is still highly classified without endangering my surrounding and without getting survilance as a potential threat to security?

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Got the same idea XD

You can ask them if they have any publicly available brochures I think, not entirely sure they’d be too happy to oblige in some cases (you might get told to shove off) but if they were to give you something that’d be more than we have atm.
I fear right now the Challenger 3 (P) is based purely on speculation, and trying to get changes for it might be extremely difficult.

Any idea how steelbeasts got their info on the challenger 2s armour?

They wont have anything. There will be no brochure as it was not a thing to be advertised with one. It was a inside project that was just showed.

Just like snail did. Got it in their dreams

You can ask them via email for marketing materials. I’d avoid the whole “I’m getting something fixed in warthunder” spiel and just say you’re interested in the tank. Be polite, professional and for love of God check your spelling/grammar… Haha.


Ehh, maybe i will try it. Ill see

“Mr Rhine metal,

Wots ur tank made ov?



Yea, well when it comes to getting marketings material i wonder if i will get the thing i want. I do not need the Gun sights electronic engine or whatever else. I need the confirmation that turret stayed the same weight.
