Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

I don’t think Gaijin does artificial nerfs to tanks, unless you count reload rate. Any nerfs are down to bugs or Gaijin being Gaijin.

There is still a lot of tanks to come before the Panther so I don’t think we will see it for some time.

So when will the British BAE company’s CV9030/35/40/50/120 join the British tree?


Cr 130 talk, huh.


Eventually. Along with the M8 Light tank.


Gaijin dont care where the suggestion aays it should go, they put it where they see fit, which they have said multiple times now.

Germans seem to get really annoyed when brits and canadians ask for a leopard, but then germams turn around and ask for a Cr2.


This is not a Challenger 2:

Just as this is not a Leopard 2:



It is a Challenger 2 turret and hull with a new gun and some blocks on the front.

Just like how this is still a matilda with a new gun


It’s not a Chally 2 turret at all. It’s a modified turret from the Rheinmetall Challenger LEP proposal. They didn’t want to modify a perfectly good Leopard turret so they chose the Challenger LEP turret instead, which was going to be scrapped anyway.

Modified from what? A challenger 2, taking a new gun and putting it in a challenger turret doesn’t mean the turret is some new invention, its still a challenger 2 turret.


Don’t know why you would come to a Challenger 2 thread and argue about this anyway, chances are it wont be added and the German tree can get the KF51 Panther (hopefully this panther has a working transmission)


It’s an entirely new turret. There is no commonality with the Challenger 2 turret.

It isn’t though. CLIP modified a CR2 turret in the original L/55 trials, and lots of the details on the LEP demonstrator match what we see on CR2 as well (same goes for the CR3 turret - even a new fabrication doesn’t mean it had an entirely different design or layout)

Well that is completely wrong, but sure.

Its literally a Cr2 LEP vehicle, as you have said so yourself. The LEP has developed into the Cr3.

I dont know about anybody else but it would seem the British MoD took things from the Cr2 130 LEP tech demonstrator and put them on the Cr3, notably the sights, and more hypothetically the new armour from the 130 could now be called Farnborough which is on the Cr3


I’d be very surprised if the “armour” on the 130mm turret is anything but cosmetic, to differentiate it from the actual LEP demonstrator

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Yeah it is cosmetic, but the armour was developed. Its handy to have your tech demonstrator without lots of weight, people think the engine is better :)

CR 2 130 is one of 4 2019 LEPs, it has 130 slapped into it, as that turet was designet to fit it from the start, free space at the back of the turret housed the rheinmetall modular autoloader, and mocup add on armour was added to the turret front.


They had precisely one CR2. The 130mm demonstrator is the same tank as the CR3 TD and it was leased to them by the British government for the purpose of the CR2 LEP program
The only part Rheinmetall owned was the turret wich is why it’s been taken off, put on a stand and the vehicle returned to be converted to a CR3 prototype

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they got 4 in total iirc
The one presented on 2019 and 2021 DSEI is the same one for sure

I was under the impression was 4 vehicles between BAE and Rheinmetall - 1 for reference and one for building a demonstrator