Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Gaijin had said previously they dont model different charges or barrel pressures?

Leopard 2a4m can has a better camo net.

Further proof gaijin consistently half arses British vehicles.

The suggestions are in, we can only hope it comes this update or the next

Hope so, however,


Prem’s added before and after the OES with 3d nets, yet the OES is the only one not to come with one.


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Lazy af, just easy to C+P, then slap a .50cal on the roof

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They should just remove the CR2 OES and refund every poor sod that bought it. The 10.3 Leopard 2A4 premiums in the German and Swedish trees outclass it in everyway


I knew for a fact that the 2A4M CAN was going to Germany, but the best solution IMO, given the C&P OES and issues surrounding it & all CR2’s, would have been to remove the OES from sale (being a GE Prem, can come back for events or UK Armed forces day type thing) and add the 2A4M CAN as the Brit 11.3 Prem

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You’re all mistaken, clearly the challenger 2 OES is on par with the other 11.3 premiums that are present and due to be added.

It’s really hard not to be salty as a British player Gaijin consistently put the boot in.
Well Gaijin give Germany the ADATS and the Skink and the Stuart premium we have. Oh wait they are all dogsh*t so why would they want them.

Well the Skink is ok



Rescind this comment.

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The 20mm dont do enough damage, and its anti tank belt is poor. Its just a weaker uptier Wirbelwind
Prefer the Crusader with the 40mm or the Bos

This just isn’t true. The 20mms kill planes very reliably and the fact that it not open topped increases its survivability considerably.

The skink is a good SPAA.


I will have to play it again, before Gaijin move it into the German tree where it belongs

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May a thousand wings snap before you.


I don’t have hopes for the British top tier anymore. If gaijob are so in love with sikrit statistiks, just boycott the whore UK techtree and play Germany. I went from 2.0 to 5.7 in like a week without a premium account, dropped a tali on puma. If I had more time to play this game I’d be top tier by the end of the year…

Anyways, German tree is like 100x better than anything british past 3.3 imo

You have to wonder how many they’ve sold.

They don’t exactly seem popular in game, which isnt’ really a surprise. They couldn’t even be bothered to update the nets, bringing it into line with other visual models. It plays like shit, and looks like shit.

I would wait till dev server or live update to see if they update the camo nets.

They will do the Swedish Leopards, CV90s, T-90M and Ignore Britain haha


As much as I want to be a doomer and believe that, its only fair to wait till final live update to see if they update camo nets.

IIRC the 2A7 / VT-1 when they were on dev were broken for the whole duration till the update dropped.