Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Now that the Fox was added after how long of asking? Its going to be maybe…3 years till another British light gets added.

Instead of fixing CR2s, lets just keep adding varients of the CR2 that inherit the same problems to the game because quantity > quality. Without fixing the problems that stem from inaccuracies with the vehicles due to a lack of proper documentation as well as motives. This isn’t even a CR2 problem, this problem exist among most MBTs.

Abrams - Remodel the Turret Ring
leclercs - Mobility, Armour, Shell
CR2s - Mobility, Mantlet, Shell
Ariete - Just lower the BRs (I don’t follow Ariete to know the problems with them aside from being paper)
Type 10 etc - Mobility, Armour
Merkavas - Proper KE Armour Protection
ZTZs - (I don’t follow china that much, I know their Mantlets are just as poor as the CR2s.)

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The arietes are missing hull armour and need slightly better modifiers for their internal and external composites. They should be on par with challenger 1 levels of armour. So probably a br of around 11.0 max maybe even 10.7 without dm53 perhaps.

Youll never guess which russian tank was the first to mount Anti-Thermal netting, thats right, T90M.

I heard that the T90M had some thermal coating but I was surprised when it wasn’t added along with it.

I so much want a researchable wyvern or strikemaster analog and sea vixen, Black Prince, excelsior, A.C. IV.

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My god, I feel so bad for anyone who didn’t get the strike master. Still pissed I don’t have the cent mk 2 which should have been a tt. The cent mk 1 with the 20mm would have been a better fit. Still waiting for them to to chuck the beautiful black prince along with the garbage that is the ka 50.

Also boar hound to the us because why not despite us being the ones who ordered it. Just like the class 3 going to Germany despite SA being the one who built it. And aparently it’s well documented as well, the class 3 was soley designed by SA with help from a German company due to the restrictions on SA at the time.

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Turret for Arjun was developed by Germany)))))) Cause India had big problems with designing.

So… Arjun to Germany?)))

The class 3 was built in South Africa by South Africa. They brought a German engine from a German company. As much involvement as they had with the super amx 30, although that isn’t even true either as it didn’t use the German engine/transmission in the end.

They moved the Israeli cent back to them from us, why not the class 3, or the class 3 with the oliphant mk 2 turret.


Wtf. Why go insane lengths to design a tank, then rob it off of HE ammo. There’s no point


Every last one ??

All i can find did

I think discord maybe acting up are something ??

Nah, the pics i got from my discord are fine, and reposts of pics you posted by me (ctr c ctrl v) are also fine.

to be fair if its as bad as its reputed to be i would want it to go to germany too… then again it’d probably get a nice BR because Germany

It’s a vickers mk 1 but with the cannon of the mk 3 with no lrf…. Who would want that over the normal mk 1 or mk 3 lol?

I figured it out some sort of form issue but I’ll try and fix the links on as many as I can !!

Edit - nevermind all links are broken

Random question, but how does gaijin decide if a plate is high hardness steel or rolled steel?

You ever played DnD? A but like that.