Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Haven’t seen this image of a CR2 stripped down before.

Maybe useful for bug reports?

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That is huge

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Enjoy making more bug reports I guess aha.


Didn’t last long, it’s been taken down on Insta.

Guess it wasn’t safe to be posted by that dude.

I’ve deleted the link from the other comment as it’s now dead.

ive print screen the img.

dont give me any of that classified bs, it was posted on instagram

Just cos it was posted on IG doesnt mean anything or change the fact it may have been posted in error.

Classified is classified. Whether shared intentionally or accidentally.

If it’s been deleted on that account, it’s probably worth deleting it if you’ve screen shot it.

yea well… i wasnt the one posting it :p

Still doesn’t make it right.

If it has been deleted due to classified status, then you’re handling classified data. Whether if you were the leak or not. (That account is normally good at posting safe stuff, so if it’s been removed, there’s good reason for it)

Similar to stolen goods. You may not have stolen an item, but you can be prosecuted for handling stolen goods.

Either way, original source has removed it, so out of respected for the source, it’s probably worth deleting any screen shots too.


Yea, it got removed so be carefull while dealing with it


To further put it into context.

Original post has been deleted by the User for reasons (let’s assume its because it’s classified)

You’ve screen shot it, and stated here you have, and don’t care because it was posted on IG first before being deleted.

If found to be in possession of that image and/or distribution of it. You are not absolved of punishment because “it was posted on IG first”

They have a few shots of the engine, thickness of the turret roof and aux sight closeups at the time of posting

Let’s take this into play. I have the F-35 manual. How can you confirm that I have it

I can’t. However, if you are found with it somehow, or you start sharing data from it, then you’re in trouble.

That dude can keep his screenshots, what I’m saying is, if he shares it for whatever reason, despite it “being put on IG first” doesn’t stop him from being punished.

If the OP has deleted it, there’s good reason, and it’s probably worth not keeping any screen shots just incase.

Anyway, back on topic, it was a cool image to see for the short while it was posted. Shame it’s gone and we can’t use it for bug reports.

Its a new angle, it confirms my theory of the mantlet sitting to high in game and being round and the bottom

Is the mantlet not already round at the bottom ingame?

Is it simply pictures? Because of so how can that be classified. It’s like taking a picture of a destroyed challenger in Ukraine. It may be frowned upon but you can’t exactly be prosecuted for it. All to say could I be able to have a look at them lol. I love looking at different angles of the challenger and would like to see what’s in it?

do we know why theyve taken it down?

and how will i be punished for showing something posted on instagram?

I wanna see these images of the CR2 what I miss? Is it the one of the exposed turret?

Yup, exposed turret showing the breach with no cannon in it. What I will say is that it shows that we were wrong about the gaps in the mantlet being filled by a reunion. Instead it may just be how the barrel is held in place? Can’t see any other reason why such huge gaps would be in the armour.

Taking a picture of something that’s isn’t supposed to be public is still a breach of the official secrets act. The method/media of it is irrelevant.


Yeah but it shouldnt, thats my point