Composite material would also be lighter than steel, while providing equivalent amount of protection (per example the warriors rear door was replaced with a composite one I believe) but I the source material that would prove this is equivalent to the source material for aluminum: not really existent
So our maths generates what we see here in blue, but we can shave off everything not in red
Lets call this 9t of weight
To figure out the mine protection weight, we can plug it into the same maths.
Challenger 2 is roughly 8m in length
The mine protection in game is 20mm in thickness
The width of the mine protection is only around 1 meter
Therefore the mine protection accounts for approximately 1.25 tons
9 + 1.25 gives you 10.25, so you have wiggle room for sure. over 1 ton of room actually.
@Gunjob @Legwolf Regarding the add on armour weight, here is a breakdown of the weight increases made to the CR1 during Op Granby. Might be useful for estimating how much CR2 armour weighs:
Here’s what the lines mean:
- Toe protection: The ERA pack on the front of the tank
- Lower Glacis: The additional armour plate on the UFP
- Side armour: The additional composite blocks on the hull side
- ACBs: Armoured Charge Bins (CR1 Mk2 didn’t have them originally)
- CCU: Crew Cooling Unit
- UDK: Universal Dozer Kit (fitted instead of the ERA pack)
- Fuel: The two fuel drums carried on the back
Do we have a list of the differences and upgrades from 2 to 2H?
Again though, if we use Aluminium for this task, we’ve got alot of unaccounted weight. With steel, our value is closer matching to the total TES package weight.
Here i put external things, not internal
Does anyone want the doser kit? I want the doser kit.
This is much closer, I was almost sweating when you said the baseplate was 2m tall.
But even if the backing plate comes to just 9t, I don’t know man I think you come in over 12.3t with everything on there. I mean if the full set of side VARMA is 2t that is probably not far off the hyrbrid ASPRO-HMT boxes.
Which means your mine plate, RWS, front block, turret VARMA, the bar armour and any extra internal weight in just 1.2t.
The mine plate alone would eat that up.
…that’s only the shock-absorbing mount for the loader’s VUDT, not a container for it!.
isnt that the same, like it sits there, so it is a container, isnt it?
Can somebody give us an estimate for how much the gen 1 ufp should weigh?
Ok, first
Then backplate debate
And now Fireball is asking for UFO weight
I think i need to take a break
But yea idk, probably can be masured 25mm is is, yea?
it takes a decent space
why oh why can’t Gaijin just accept its a sodding Steel plate of 40mm, and is not considered for protection when the ASPRO-HMT states it is Level 5.
It’s pretty tough to draw conclusions from just the maths as it’s going to be rather inaccurate.
Lets say the material we remove from the steel plates is around 20%. I’m eyeballing that based on the diagram above.
20% of the steel removed, gives us 4.4T per plate.
8.8T total.
The mine plate is 1.25 tons
So we’re given roughly 10.05t
This gives us 2.25 tons of weight to play with. Bar armor is pretty lightweight all things considered and can be bent out of shape so this wont play a huge role in our 2.25 tons. ASPRO-HMT is designed to be fitted and loaded by hand, with Ease of Installation being among ASPRO-HMT’s selling points.
I dunno man, it looks pretty okay to me. that’s ALOT of weight to play with.
So then the CR2 OES premium we have is just the DL2I? I hope we get the 2I late with the best barracuda net AS A TECH TREE VEHICLE. I want to iterate that.
Yes it is just 2I
Here’s a quick one. Few bolts missing from the diagram securing baseplate to wall, and there’s a lug locking system which keeps the VUDT in.
Ok, then container is a bad word to use, but that is what i meant. Mount it is then
I think it’s safe to rule out Aluminium as the choice of material here. It’s a soft metal, prone to deformation. Not something you want when you’re mounting rectangular blocks, flush.
It’d also be far too lightweight and wouldn’t line up with our 12+ ton weight increase.
With one source saying it’s steel, and the maths showing with it installed and the mine protection installed, you still have the weight of most cars to load ontop of Challenger 2 before the numbers line up.
@Gunjob I don’t think it’s Aluminium, man.