Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

First 3 DL2E
4th some kind of a weight, probably tests how will suspension handle additional weight, based on where they are tests for at least DL2F late

I’m gonna need that complete list of variants lol. You have a robotic knowledge of them it seems

You can see it is not like that by looking at rear photos. The width of the plate is the same across the tank from what I understand.
The bracket ends on the engine compartment so you can mount the 40mm directly to the engine compartment.

at least 30min here i go

Not quite, it would look like this:
The shroud extends over the top of the middle plates too

Challenger 2 DL1 (Dorchester Level 1) (Base Cr2): How indecent!

The base we all love and adore. Equiped only with Dorchester Level 1 protection, that is internal armour, zooms around the battlefeild, not knowing it will soon turn into one of the heaviest MBTs ever!

Challenger 2 DL2E: I will not show you my feets!

Here it starts wearing its first addition armour! Front is protected by Gen 1 plate on the UFP and ROMOR-A ERA. The sides welcome VARMA blocks known and loved from Challenger 1, as well as some steel plates and ruber skirts. Exhaust get covers that redirect fumes to the back.

Challenger 2 DL2F early: Im getting stronger!

Composite blocks now find their way to the turret sides, both it and hull VARMA gets upgraded to 2F standard. Hull VARMA obtain backplates



Sides where the engine get covered by ~20mm plate. Also back and back parts of turret and hull get slats.

Challenger 2 DL2F late: That call will not reach its destination.

UFP add on plate gets upgraded to Gen2 (thiccer), ROMOR-A gets replaced by Chobham block. Loader optics and coupola mount get replaced by ENFORCER RCWS. On the front mudguards and at the back of the turret, ECM is mounted, that prevents remotely detonated bombs from detonating (there were some rumors it could also disrupt ATGMs, but it was not confirmed). NVD cameras are added to the front and the back of the tank, making driver job easier, and the tank gets first generation Barracuda MCS.

Challenger 2 DL2G: Protecting my knees!

Compared to DL2F late, the smaller backplates get replaced by a massive one, 40mm all the way, with 200mm block under the VARMA blocks. Slat armour gets higher, Turret VARMA blocks get upgraded to 2G/2H standard.

Challenger 2 DL2H: Those mines tickle.

The same as 2G, but hull VARMA blocks get replaced with ASPRO-HMT blocks and underneath the tank, a mine protection kit is added.

Challenger 2 DL2I: Damn boy he thicc!

Turret side block get upgraded to 2I standard, as well as getting spaced plates on them
Later it obtained new generation Barracuda MCS

Challenger 2 OES: Im suited for that job.
Rather than a version on itself, it has multiple variants mounted on the same platform

Armor packages can be any of the DL2 versions based on which suits the mission the best.


The lip of the shroud (RED) makes up the 40mm airgap.
The shroud then is connected to the mount right next to it.
The plate (Orange) is connected to the mount through the shroud with a 40mm airgap.

The middle plates however are 80mm (BLUE)
You still have the space there for the mounts to connect to the 80mm thick middle plates. There’s no need for cutaways or anything as the shroud makes up that 40mm airgap before connecting to the plate.

This explains why the front plate is flush with the outside wall of the middle plates.
it’s as seen here:

There is a shroud that goes over the top of the entire assembly making it look flush. It is not, though.
The mounting points are hidden under the shroud but still connect to an 80mm thick assembly. Only now instead of 40mm airgap + 40mm plate, it’s now 80mm plate.

The mounts still have space, they’re just under the shroud and look like they’re flush

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ok so the picture you have showing the mount is poor quality and may be optical ilusion showing it very close to the bar, but if you look theres a shadow. it may be further away from the bar than it seems

so it would look like this:

And I think I can explain this as well given the screws and what I think the plate geometry to be;
(red arrow is the way im looking at the plate)

The shroud extends over the full plate this just does look right mate.

You can see the shroud on the top has a lip. It does not extend down so this part is all solid

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Why it cant be like that?

If that’s the case then what is bolted onto the outside of that plate. And if it’s nothing why are the bolts there.

The shroud sits ontop of the solid 80mm metal plate but ends there. You can see that lip and the shadow it creates.
The sides are solid steel, and have no lip.

I’m not sure where the confusion is here, but for old times sake:
The hull has it’s mounting points (the black square cubes) attached flush.
At the front of the tank, the mounting points connect to the thin shroud (yellow) which goes up and over.
The green front plate is 40mm and connects to the shroud via the bolt that passes through. (Blue) There is now a 40mm airgap from the shroud at the front.

In the middle sections, this airgap does not exist and an 80mm plate is installed (purple). It mounts the exact same way as the Airgap + half thickness plate, using the same bolts. The shoud runs along the top of the 80mm plate.

In both instances, there is an 80mm area taken up. In the front, it’s Shroud + half plate, in the middle it’s 80mm plate. Both mount using the same mounting points and bolts.


This is where ASPRO-HMT is installed. I haven’t seen what it connects using but we know it must connect to solid metal and be flush, making this an 80mm steel plate.


I tried




Red, is where the mounting bracket is. It juts out from the hull this much across the entire tanks side until the very last plate.

After the space the mount occupies, there is an airgap, as shown in this photo in Yellow. We can see the metal plate does not directly touch the mount. There’s a 40mm airgap.

After the airgap, the steel plate is connected (blue) and is 40mm.
The shroud (Yellow) extends from it’s 40mm tip to 80mm and runs along the top of the armor array. It is just on the top. Not occupying any space, just stopping debris falling in.
The middle plates, we’ve seen are thicker. 80mm (twice the thickness of the steel plate at the front) and now directly mounts to the mounting brackets instead of an airgap existing.
This way, the profile of the front plate is flush with the middle plates, but where the front has a 40mm airgap inside, the middle plates are a full 80mm plate and do not have this airgap.