Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

So OES gets the extra composites.

What does it do?

Looks sloped


If you look closely, there’s an added square block of armour at the front of the skirt on the 2E on Op. Telic (Iraq War).
The one shown in the Op. Agrocola (Kosovo) photos is the basically the same as CR1 had on Op. Granby (Gulf War)

There’s a Gulf war event happening on a discord server if you want in. We can convince them to include Granby in it.

Meh it would be strong enough to stop things frontally and with a mantlet fix i’d say its a buff

intressting the book says that a chally 2 got hit into the ROMOR ERA by an T55 during OP Telic, without penetrating…Guess what happends in game

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I mean irl the Romor add on armour probably would have caused the round to tumble and lose quite a bit of penetrating power. In game I doubts it’s modelled as spaced armour would be far more effective. But then again a t55 would have been using heat against a challenger. If it was a sabot then I’m stumped.

the problem is EVERY round of the T55 in game can pen the lower plate with romor, including apds, aphe and heatfs

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For anyone wondering, here’s how the missing 2G looks. It has the bottom side block but no aspro hmt on there


which, at the very least, indicates ROMOR probably isn’t as effective as it should be

either that or once again Snel knows best

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I can handle that, what I simply cannot understand is the addon composite on the TES and OES and 2F which is somehow equivalent to the romor on protection…. It is literally just a block of the same composite used in the tank and yet it has different ke and ce equivalents.

Missed this, congratulations.

British Engineers really are ingenious. I promise. For all the wrong reasons of course.

Found this regarding the Romor A Eras performance

This side even has the patent for it


Time to buff romor

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@Gunjob would gajin, accept such a table? It’s also in the Haynes manual for Chally 1. I mean since gajin thinks the ERA of the TES has the same protection it should be increased as well

Snail modells up to tes using values they gave to VARMA, the blocks on the side of Cr1 mk 3

So varma has the same performance as Romor in game? That’s fun