Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)



Can anyone drop me 5in gun that could fire heat? WIth that we could link that up to the ROMOR table and have it buffed

On an interesting note we could possibly get VARMA Series 2 added to the VFM 5 !!


Well, its past midnight for me and im falling asleep while sitting. Im going to sleep now, when i wake up i will look at everything with fresh head and try to get thing to change in the Cr1. If any of you find anything by chance i will be greatefull.

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Nice, will have to be loocked at

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Also that last pic is a Valiant, isnt it?

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Yes it is am just showing it because it has VARMA Series 2 on it !!


XM-8 moment

Off top of my head the only 127mm shaped-charge I can think of would be the FGM-148 Javelin. Which I guess they technically could test it in direct-fire mode?

Edit: Could be they used some sort of in-house testing kit. I believe NWS China Lake does that.

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Yea, they are still trying to figure out how to Prekins values.

Source is secondary so you’d need another one with the same information to confirm those values.

Ehh, nothing is as easy as it should, huh.

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Drop me a photo of the Haynes with that table when you will be able to

Can you also drop that? Will try to do something with it

I really doubt it was the Javelin, given that it only entered US service in 1996 I don’t think they will have got hold of a prototype.

I’m inclined to think it was an Zuni FFAR Mk32 HEAT-FRAG or similar warhead, dismounted from the rocket body. I don’t see a HEAT projectile for the 127mm naval gun.

HVAR also had the 5in Mk25 HEAT warhead available, they might have been available post-Vietnam.

Chieftain with Romor.

Good premium vehicle right there, that could fill the spot that the Shot Kal Dalet did before being removed from sale.

Not good at making suggestions, but reckon that’s worth a shout


It was whatever this is


Could be a first generation TOW or I-TOW, they’re 5in (127mm). In fact I’d favour this as being the most likely and the most useful comparison for tank armour, as it’s a ground-to-ground warhead and exactly what you would want ROMOR to defeat.

EDIT: The BGM-71C I-TOW has approximately 630mm RHA penetration, which roughly matches the ROMOR-A table provided by @warhead_beast.

EDIT2: They may have been using TOW and false penetration data;

“While the original armor penetration estimates were 600 mm for BGM-71A/B and 700–800 mm for BGM-71C, a now declassified CIA study shows the CIA’s estimated penetration values against a vertical target are much lower—just 430 mm for the BGM-71A/B TOW and 630 mm for the BGM-71C Improved TOW.” - Wiki

Good, that might push things forward