Likely a soft balance stat like most things reload related.
same as CE pretection
HUH? I checked that and it was fine? Let me check
Move down a bit maybe
It not the same place
Hope that get fixed with the KE one, as it is the plates doing some weird things, if no i will just make another report
or @Gunjob should i add it to the KE report and make it a CE/KE report?
The main reason is that the outer layer of 50mm RHA equivalent armor is 17mm thickness.
I’ll add a note to the report it impacts KE and CE
For me, the turret cheeks don’t matter too much if the mantlet is still massive and paper thin.
You know, better to have them stronger than weaker.
Does this mean it actually has a decent ke protection now due to it being two layers of 40mm, rha Or steel can’t remember. Funny how having straight rha is just flat out better than add on composite.
Yeah better KE protection. Looks like my report is finally going somewhere.
When the lower layer will have better ke protection than the era layer for a while.
Is it me or can anyone else just not see the spall liner in the hull? I am finding nothing in it.
There is a visible spall liner plate on the UFP, but can’t be selected, and there are not liners anywhere else on the hull