Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

2nd dev server looking at you


That’s what Dev Servers are supposed to be for.

If the update is not ready, it should not have been released. Instead, this should have been an extended second Dev Server to work out these numerous issues BEFORE releasing them into the wild with a live version where people can grind and spend real life money on broken content.

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Oh, David?

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2nd dev won’t have made a difference. When have gaijin ever released a bug free update that needs no additional work? It would have pushed back the release to a few days before Christmas, which I already mentioned

It would, as we would get what we have now, and instead of raging that it went live, it would be “ok, time for some more reports, hope it get fixed when it hits live”
also bugs on dev have a deadline of the dev, not like those on live that have unlimited time

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They probably wanted to get it out for Christmas for selling those juicy premiums.

Hoisted by their own petard.

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Then maybe some of the stuff would be fixed on live, but live would still have issues and maybe even some new bugs/issues (which has happened before) which no-one would be around to work on because Christmas. It’s the least bad option and (I should check gszabi’s sheet to make sure) the same thing that happens every year

The update we have is one of the earliest, and most of the time we have 2 devs and blogs start much earlier, that is why on RRD we were so suprised there were no blogs last month

2021 winter update was also on the 14th December, latest update I’ve seen was the 20th - last years, which was on a Tuesday (and in fairness something they probably could have tried again this year, on the 19th)

This also isn’t the shortest time between updates-44 days since the last one, with the shortest I can see being 31 days (hot tracks, the 2020 winter update)

TL;DR: it’s hardly unprecedented

List updated

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Anyone up to play some Challys?

Nah, got the Gripen to grind

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I’ve been giving some thought to the resonses you have been giving in this thread, and I now know what’s bothering me about them.

The developer clearly looked at the ticker and didn’t actually do any investigation, they just changed the inner track to not move. They changed it based exactly on the report.

In other words, they followed the exact letter of the bug report rather than the spirit of it.

We, as customers and players, should not be required to perform a detailed investigation of any issues that are in the game. Literally a minute of trying the “fix” would have revealed that the change made was largely useless.

Furthermore, the dismissive attitude you displayed in this thread is not helping in the slightest. Telling us to “raise a bug report” after waiting well over a year for a fix which probably took 10 minutes and was completely ineffective isn’t a good response in the slightest. Your responses only reinforce the impression that Gaijin doesn’t care in the slightest about the ch2.

In conclusion, this “fix” is ineffective, was the least possible effort change and only addresses the absolute letter of the report, rather than the context and spirit in which it was intended. It is hardly surpsiing the frustration builds up and eventually overflows.


Respectfully this is generally what developers do. There can be any number of reports open and requiring attention. If the report is correct and valid and the fix is possible then that change is implemented. They follow what the report sets out. That’s exactly why we ask for one issue per report amoung other matters to keep reports as clear and to the point as possible.

Nothing at all has been dismissed from this topic or any of the other previous topics. All feedback has been collected and passed and we will continue to do so.

I directed those who were tagging me multiple times about the same matter that began today to make a report as this is what is required by the developers to conduct a review. A report from before today or that is months old is not reflective of the new issue that began today.

We are also not just monitoring this thread but the whole community, so respectively there is very little I can do just by tagging me and pinging me multiple times in a thread.

A report was made and has since already been passed and will now be reviewed by the developers. Nothing at all was dissmissed by that.


The thing that concern me is this

What is it doing there? It was not there on the dev

Dont tell me this is the fix of this


So, just to clarify. We need to go through every single report we have made in the past about the challenger 2 to see any changes even though the new reports will retain the same information???

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Not at all.

The request to make a report today was spesifcally only on the issue that began today. As this does require a new report. That has since been made and has already been passed on.


Fixed in a future version doesn’t mean fixed in the next version. Likely didn’t make it into this build in time.


Welp, i made another report
Can you link it to the origial one? The new one also include the charge bin.


Well, the bin did for some reason?