Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

@lurque13 I am fully aware that there are other issues that having a damaged turret basket can cause, but completely disabling the turret isn’t one of them except in extreme circumstances and even then there would surely be redundancy systems. I’m not a tanker, this game is made for 13+ so not everyone is. I have an interest in tanks and armoured warfare, much as many people in this game; but trying to make sure the game is at least accurate and balanced means that giving one nation preferential treatment, like the T-80’s having their autoloader modelled correctly as its own thing, while other nations would be completely messed over by incorrect modelling isn’t balancing, its bias. the whole turret basked being classed as a horizontal drive is not just incorrect, but its also an unfair assessment on how these vehicles would preform, and a huge artificial nerf to any and all nations that have turret basket tanks while the T-80’s benefit from this change.

The real issue here is that, if the abrams and leopard are getting their turret basket modelled as their horizontal drive; then shooting a T-80, T-72 etc in the ammo rack should also disable its horizontal drive, under the exact same principle and modelling errors.

Anyway, back to challenger 2; I’m glad we have evidence to it not having one, but there are still components that need to be modelled for it, including steel/aluminium walls on the interior of the vehicle such as separators, ammo stowage bins etc.


Sometimes I get this thread on the “Suggested Topics” section and I am reminded that this tank is ingame lmfao


Its genuinely getting stupid now tbh man isnt it.

The CR3 TD is infact getting yet another nerf as well xD

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The current state of the IFLK, with the complete disintegration of the projectiles passing through the interception conditions, delivers a lot of fun on large maps.

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Still no ready rack fixes

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What are they doing to it now?

“We can find no evidence the challenger 3 TD was ever loaded with fuel, therefore all fuel as been removed from the vehicle”

“We do not believe that the loader has two arms, therefore the reload rate has been quadrupled”

Or is it they’re removing its LWS?



it has a turret basket, with confirmation from pictures, so later down the road it’ll end up getting that.

Love how L27A1 is so anemic you are putting multiple shots into a tank that DM-53 would just OHK.

L27A1 is pretty tragic right now

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Oh, delightful.

Reinforces my decision to never play above 10.7. Can’t get mad if you never see the thing that makes you mad.

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This, removal of the lws, at this stage its literally worse than the base model cr2

not even. the dm43 ive been using in the leo2pl has better kill chance.

While historically should be 53 the 43 round is absolutely fine for the 2pl its a really nice round.

L27a1 just feels like it doesn’t spall enough

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feels like they gave it the same spall characteristics as apds tbh, you can REALLY feel it coming off of dm43 or the russian/chinese rounds (not sure if they are similar as i have china rather than russia). forget about spall liners, ive always had trouble with its spall.

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The 3bm60 while lacking pen, in my experience when it does pen it shreds half the tank, i do prefer the chinese round though feels more consistent.

L27A1 really is long in the tooth unfortunately.

is there any way to compare the spalling in the game datamines?

L26 and L27A1 have always spalled poorly
I put it down to the weigth and length of the penetrators.

I am not sure how Gaijin model it though

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L26? sorry mate but it spalls just fine, one of the best rounds at 10.7.
Hell its near DM33 levels of good.

thats our point, 10.7. but against any of the top tier 120mm or 125mm it acts like 30mm apds rather than the 120mm sabot round it is. If im firing at a russian turret ring and al it takes out is his commander OR gunner and not even the breach there’s something wrong there. Dong get me started on the amount of bmps ive shot centre mass frontally just to have them survive with full functionality apart from egine.

L26 works better for me in an 11.7 match with the CR1’s than the L27A1 does on the CR2s in the same lobby
Hence the “nearly DM33 levels of good” DM33 is a fantastic round as well for its post pen damage. L26 feels far better to me than L27 ever has

Uhm L26 for me will usually take out the breach and either both the crew or one of them in the turret.

That happens with literally any tank. Ive watched BMPs soak Dm53 before, hell even had them soak 3BM60 before xD its wild what they can take a hit from man, same as I’ve watched marders bounce L23

Post pen is the main factor in the code for spall generation so L27a1s higher pen means it will always spall more than L26