Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

Has anyone else noticed that the splash-guard on the standard challenger 2 UFP is missing?

Spall generation however the fact i said
" L26 feels far better to me than L27 ever has" is more likely due to the fact there is different armours at top tier and the fact there are spall liners now.

Also whered you get the main factor for the generation of spall code? id like to see that

No i mean you, actively show me or send me a way to view the coded files of the game.
Not a youtube video that can consist of anyones sources written up

No one has decompiled the code for Spall generation, at least as far as I know of. The video shows how this code does behave by modifying shell asset files to test the hypothesis of shell weight and penetration’s effects on spall generation.

If you think that they are lying, there is nothing to convice you unless you are bothered to replicate the same experiments.

So then wheres the actual evidence? You claimed it was from the code of the game but cannot provide a clear concise source to back that up other than a random you tube video.
The video proves very little code wise, which is what you stated. Not me.

No I’d rather see someone get the files and decompress it to and check how the line of code works.
or id rather see people not make claims on how it works when in reality no one really knows out with hypothesis

I’m sorry that we don’t have access to the actual spall generation code and that I implied earlier that this was the case. The thing is when you have a black box function you can still get a clue of how it works by observing the effects by changing the arguments you pass it.

Other people have done similar tests like the ones in the video and got similar results.

Going through the videos claims and how we can infer from the tests how the code works:

  1. First test show two shells of same penetration but different weight (1000 kg vs 4kg) and given that spall was the same one could come to the conclusion that weight was not a limiting factor.
  2. The second test shows shells with same characteristics except for penetration (10000mm vs 400mm) here there is a noticable effect on spall, hence the conclusion is made that residual penetration is a limiting factor on spalling.

Decompression is unrelated to decompiling see this is no easy process and is very rarely done to games of warthunder’s scale. Games often place measures to prevent it making it practically impossible in most scenarios and even if you are successful in this, distributing the code is normally illegal as you are fringing on intellectual property.

Then why bring it up in the first place.

Quite. Suppose ive been using the term interchangably and incorrectly. However the point still stands, unless we actively see the code and how it functions in generation of spall, its all speculation.

The game cannot solely generate spall based on penetration, or you would need to write code for every single varying round in the game, You also have lower penetrating APDS generating more spall than say a 100 meter APFSDS which has higher pen
so how does it all come down to penetration?

as well as this, if you test two APBC rounds from two tanks with teh same gun , best to use the french for it, they generate different spall.

If it was focusing purely on penetration then why is spalling so inconsistent when you can hit the same tank in the same spot three or four times with different generations of spall?

I was talking about APFDS spall, other shell types like APDS do work completely differently.

I would say its even more than an educated guess, given that tested hypothesis are normally enough proof in a scientific setting, we don’t exactly deny everything until we get the “universe’s code”.

The actual code has not been decompiled. However, I have seen this image floating around for a while. It appears to confirm that residual penetration and calibre are what effect spall generation for APFSDS.



Thats more like it mate appreciate it.

Gaijin not understanding out penetration works and that rounds that have just gotten through have given ALL their kinetic energy into the metal, spalling more than a round that just sailed through with little resistance. Always funny being one shot in my za 35 by a round that grazed my turret compared to my rounds that just about pen but create 3 fragments that only make the crew yellow.

I know its not as black and white as ive put it but gaijin have biased it the wrong way round with how little damage rounds do when you barely pen a target compared to grazing a za 35. That doesnt mean a round wouldnt create spall against light targets but simply create less. Although in game its just a dice role rather than being consistent with anything. So on second thoughts maybe its just badly modelled. It was great a couple years ago but its getting old at this point.

Hello CR2 people. I come to ask for knowledge of the L27A1 and how much pen should it actually have vs what it currently has, I’ve seen someone (I can’t remember who) say to my on the CR3 forum that L27A1 should have similar performance to M829A2 (or whatever the yank top tier round is)