Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

All of them? ¨

Look at shir 2, has none of the export ammo designed for it, L15a5 is a C&P of A3 .
The CR2s are near useless, the damn Shir 2 hull can be penned by some absolutely ridiculous ammos.

its not gonna change, Chieftain Mk5 no LRF, No L15A5.

When will the fix the fact hte CR2 armour massively under performs, the fact the breach is completely fking hollow, or the fact that the tank loses an ungodly amount of speed if it so much as changes direction slightly


Chally2 with TES, OES should get 3rd gen if they really are meant to be the ‘Entry standard’ given the Thales Catherine upgrade so the argument is kind of mute.


Would even take a buff to L27 its horrendous right now

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*Moot point

But yeah, if that’s the case then of course the TES and OES should have 3rd gen, but that isn’t applicable to the older CR2s using TCIM-II


CR1 should be Gen 2
CR2, CR2F and CR2E are Gen 2
CR2TES and CR2OES should have Gen 3

and that would just be a microscopic starting point to getting some of the CR2s competitive. After that 28 round ready racks, dozer blades, fully modeled mantlet/gun breaches, etc etc and we might actually have a good tank.


nice to see this thread is a dumpster fire more than ever


for the Challenger line to be a competitive it would need alot more than just fixes to itself, more like development of the game itself, example being that the CV-12 has better torque than the Abrams AGT-1500, except the game doesnt model torque, only horsepower, other point being suspension, it has a vry smooth ride and good offroad mobility, impossible to replicate because the game doesnt really model different suspensions, other part also being the lack of regenerative steering that would boost almost all tanks in the game (soviet/russian included), except the game doesnt do that, even with the most modern tanks in the world being in the game the devs constantly push such features aside for more armor meta, more pen meta, better cas meta, leaving the actual core gameplay features to rot

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The facts don’t support that, and if TICM-II was truely second generation, there would be no need to upgrade to Catherine

Wdym there would be no need to?

Catherine’s gen 3 you Muppet.


Why spend millions on what would be a minor improvement in quality, that is if it was gen 2, which it isn’t.

Why not change from a 80s technology to 2000s technology if you are putting it in everything either way.


According to this thread TICM is 10 years ahead of every other TI so it shouldn’t be a problem?

Me when the upgraded for Catherine was done because of reasons that ain’t thermal quality


Full HD cooled staring array thermal imaging is a massive quality improvement over Gen 2. And we’re saying TICM-II is better than other Gen 1 systems that puts it close to Gen 2 - not that it’s better than Gen 2 as well.
However it’s not just about the image quality. Industry and manufacturing has moved on from TICM - spares are running out and it costs more and more to maintain older systems.

We’ve used Gen 2 on other platforms like Warrior and Stormer for over 20 years but didn’t bother with it on Challenger because TICM-II wasn’t significantly worse.
Other contemporary Gen 1 systems used by the British Army like SPIRE on Scimitar (based on Hughes Infrared Equipment) and dismounted systems like OTIS and Spyglass (TICM-I category imagers) have been progressively phased out or superseded by a multitude of solutions including Gen 2 and Gen 3 cooled systems, and lightweight uncooled VOx imagers.


This is whats a major disappointment to me.
Like all of those features would massively improve a multitude of vehicles across a range of BRs.

However as you say, it has been left to rot, its really sad tbh. got bug reports accepted years ago and just never touched on.

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The best challenger: using Challenger 2E’s MT883 engine + Challenger BN’s Iron Fist APS + Challenger 2ATD’s RH120 L55A1

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Still inferior to the top tier tanks of the game. That’s what so funny about the reluctance of to fix or make the Challenger 2 series good.

It’s like Britain can only have competitive tanks at 9.7 - 10.3
Gaijin are so afraid of giving Britain a competitive top tier tank

the 7.7s, 8.0s 8.3s , 8,7s, 9.0s(and 9.3s) are all extremely competative what u on about? xD

edit: 10.7 as well is extremely good, not just competitive, britain while the vehicles are incorrect are still insanely good from about 7.7 to 10.7 then it falls off a cliff.

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Can we stop with the conspiracies.