Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

At this point…why major things like ready rack size hasn’t been addressed yet despite year+ reports for It. Does raise questions

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As I said Britain can only be competitive up to those brs and not top tier. Every top tier addition Britain has received in the last 3 years has been an unfinished unrefined mess.

Even Typhoon (although not exclusive to Britain so it might get fixed)
Desert Warrior

The only time British tanks and vehicles are allowed to be added and be competitive or equal to the meta is the lower Brs.
Fox as the example.

CR3 is meant to bring the CR series tanks to the levels of the Leopard 2A7/8 and the M1A2 SEP V3.
in game it’s a nerfed mess. Gaijin could have just added a tank based on the requirements and the reports/testing and made it good maybe nearly as good as a Leopard 2A6…Could you imagine???

No instead they released it ignored bug reports, nerfed its HP and refused to add blow out panels and spall liners! Then they took a decision not to buff it’s reload rate (when they buffed everyone else’s excluding Leopard 2)

CR2…Where to begin! They punished the player base for the document leaks, they redid the model and made the tank weaker and incorrect now your turret right is massively exposed. They persist in only allowing 4 rounds in the ready rack. Despite the Chieftain having ammo in the exact same design and in game is given a larger ready rack! They added L27A1 and made it the worse top tier round.

After a while and if we look at patterns the last buff the CR2 series tanks received as the higher pixels for the camo netting!

They made sure the tank was buried and they are not looking at bug reports for the CR2 or the CR3

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More like the levels of the 2A6… But this is the problem when you have a tank that still has the fundamentals of a 1960 design. To fix the issues with it would be prohibitively expensive, the most important of which in the Challenger 2 is the lack of a non-NATO standard gun/ammunition.

The Leopard 2 has just as many bug reports open, this is not exclusive to the Challenger 2 or British vehicles.

I know that but the Leopard 2 is still very playable and the CR2 and 3 are just sad

No you did not.
you said “It’s like Britain can only have competitive tanks at 9.7 - 10.3” that statement literally means, they have competitive tanks at 9.7 to 10.3-

That means anything bellow or above that are not competitive.

Which is just absoltuely false. im an avid British nation player, and person, and while its disgusting that the CR2s are in such a state it’s also very sleekit of you to act like the entire tree is not even competitive.

  1. The CR1’s are some of the best single 10.7s in the game, especially the mk3’s-
  2. the whole area of 7.7 to 10.7 is fantastic, the chieftains while with issues are still phenomenal tanks, vickers mk3 , 8.3 with good mobility, reload, a good apds and LRF. Olifant mk1 ! 8.3, with LRF, decent turret armour, decent optics and M111 round.

L27A1? whats wrong with it, unfortuantely IRL the round itself is a bit long in the tooth now.

Were all aware of the CR2’s but this isnt an issue solely about them, the whole roster of tanks in this game have hundreds, probably thousands of bug reports.
While I want the CR2’s fixed I also want to see other tanks fixed and BRs to reflect it.

this is a joke of a vehicle which in game has no idea what its supposed to be.

What tornado ? the F3 is fine, the F3 late is slated to go down in BR which brings it up to speed.

The typhoons only issue as far as I can see is the fact the brims are nerfed, which is a joke yes, but 18x FnF is also stupid to add at this stage (for GRB)

No the CR3 IRL has a brand new composite named Farham, the hull is also apparently to be reinforced, its touted as to be the next best thing on the battlefield.
the CR3 , the real one, Is to be an extremely effective MBT, using if I remember right full digital FCS, and all sorts of fancy gizmos for coordinating attacks and communicating with the air support and what have you.

NONE of which matters in WT xD the biggest issue with the CR3 TD in game, is its missing spall liners and a blowout panel.
the whole point in the tech demo was to show off the “new” 120mm gun, essentially fired into a modified CR2 at that point.
Which begs to ask, why are the spall liners gone, why would they remove them xD


I also just made two reports for the chieftain and fv107 respectively calling for a remodel in the armour.

The Chieftain tanks also need there proper engine as well as a 2 stroke engine modeled. They should have much better acceleration.

The entire upper frontal plate should be one big cast solid glacis plate that’s much thicker than what is in game.

The FV107 needs a completely new armour layout as gaijin was just lazy and didn’t even research the vehicle.

Give it all that and the chieftain could relocate effectively get hull down and be a sniping beast.

The FV107 could legit not be penned by a good amount of IFV apds at long range if it had its correct armour.

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can we see the reports for the chief?

They definitely need what theyre supposed to have.

Chieftain armour


FV107 armour

The requirement ie bare minimum for frontal protection was against 14.5mm anti tank or 14.5 AP-T(c) in game it can pen 49 mm rha at 0 meters so the front of the cvrt is a lot thicker than what is in game as proven in the pics


Minted reports mate, im gonna ahve a look the now, see if theres anything I can add to help.

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Thanks much appreciated

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Something being touted as such doesn’t mean anything. Objectively, the CR 3 will never be on the 2A7s (much less 2A8s which is entering service this year…) level armor wise since its hull is still thinner, with or without the add-on armor, comparing the turrets is a fools errand, the Leopard 2 has been in a league of its own since 1995.

This cannot be fixed for as long as CR 3 keeps on using modded CR 2 hulls.

When it was added it took a long time to get an accurate ish FM and Radar. Bare in mind all the Tornado had was speed and a Radar it was very difficult to play.

Radar is Typhoons major issue, it’s so bad right now. Brimstones 2 would also be nice.

Good luck finding sources on a brand new composite armour system. Gaijin refuse to use common sense.

Which are all lower than top tier, Britain is generally great they suffer at the 5.0 - 6.0 BR no APHE and penetration nerfs to the 17pdr (why is the 17pdr APDS accuracy nerf modelled in game?) makes the job of killing T-34, Panthers and Tigers harder than it should be.
7.0 is great mobility still ass but good fire power and stabilisers Cent mk3, Carn, Conqueror and FV4202 are MVPs. Sad the APDS gen 1 shatter mechanic was added this really hurts tanks like the Conqueror.
8.0 - Vickers MBT, Falcon
9.0 gets a little long in the tooth missing systems that other comparative vehicles have. Thermals
and mobility. Still love the Cheiftain Mk10
10.0 CR1 are great they are balanced while not being oppressive

Funnily enough this isn’t that much of an outlier.

I never said add on armour, I said additional armour. The new composite “Farham” I believe is the name.

thats just completely false the CR2 even now in ukraine has higher levels of protection than the Leopard 2a5s and 6s that are there.

The CR2 armour was never in question IRL, unlike in the damn game, Im not saying the tanks some indestructible force, but it certainly is world class for its levels of protection.
The major flaw for the CR2 has and always will be the top speed. though has far more range than Abrams.

So far, CR2 hulls, modified with a new frontal arc of this new composite are apparently really good.
The prototypes of the CR3 are now being tested so will see how it goes.

Also the CR2 apparently is better in far rougher terrain than leopard 2.

to sit and flat out deny the CR3 being a potent tank before its even sniffed service is wild to me.

The ready rack size specifically though is. Its the only tank in the entire game as far as I am aware with this specific nerf. I can only imagine its a hold-over mitigation for when the CR1/CR2 did have a reload advantage.

Some of the CR2s problems require far greater time and energy commitments to fix, so I dont expect them to be fixed over night. But I cant imagine ready rack size is much more than a few lines of code.


USA, Israeli and Chinese mains make the same complaints about their mbts. And except for the du armour complaint they are all somewhat justified likewise.

Not unique at all to the CR2 or CR3.

These were unfortuanately for some the right decision.

They shouldn’t do this???

They are in fact buried with many reports on many vehicles. Again this isn’t a unique issue.

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It may be unique in this aspect. But there are other bug reports like it in which a seemingly easy fix goes unfixed. This is especially the case for modelling issues, visual bugs seem to get fixed quickly.

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I didnt find it that difficult to play at all. if we mean the F3.

Brim 2s im aware of but the game cannot handle htat right now.
the radar is still buggered? not got the EF2000 yet, still asbolutely rip lobbies apart.

The 3TD in game is a tech demo, its based out a CR2 hull. Hence the use of the dorchester-


Hardly. They still do great when I use them, which isnt very often anymore but they are still good tanks.

The lack of APHE (or the fact APHE massively overperforms is an issue)

The conqueror for me sstill is fantastic Ive built a full lineup specifically to use that tank alone.

8.0, cent Mk10, vickers 1, swingfire and falcon make a nice lineup but falcon is 8.3
so realsitically for 8,3 you got the olifant mk1, the vickers mk3, Za 35, warrior, rooikat mk1d

missing out 8.7? the chieftains are fantastic fun and do really well tbh.

9.3 is an amazing lineup, with the kahlid, oli mk2 , chief mk10, the rooikat MTTD or the VFM your choice. and whatever cas you want.

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I like to think you do not punish a player base for the actions of one person. But them I’m not petty and vindictive.
Sadly this is what Gaijin has done, we were promised a massive rework of the CR2 and they nerfed it and raised the height of the turret to fix a visual graphical glitch exposing the turret ring.

They are planning on reworking the Leopard 2s…so far it’s been a nerf and no longer being able to fire over the rear of the tank.

CR2 depends on its armour as it has no mobility and the heavier versions of the tanks gain minimal protection gains.

Look I’m aware like every other vehicle in war thunder it has errors and needs fixed.

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