Just need the CR1s to have their IRL ready racks and Gen 2 Thermals.
gen 2? is this a 1.5 so therefore 2 situation or did they get an upgrade with the mk 3?
Challenger 1, Challenger 2 and TIALD all have the exact same Thermal imager. Based upon Gaijins method for determining “gen” its closest to gen 2 rather than Gen 1.
Challenger 2 is modeled as Gen 2. TIALD and Challenger 1 are modeled as Gen 1. Year+ old report for those.
Always wondered why the cr1 had worse thermals.
Yet another F’ing report that shall never be touched again then i suppose.
The cr1s are from lmy perspective actually good at their br
If gaijin ever get off their arses and fix the ch2 ready rack, would the ch1 also benefit? i.e. should that be 4 or greater?
Surely British crews should be able to “lap load” as one of the few advantages of 2/3 piece ammo is this
Notice how the loader doesn’t spend half a minute fumbling around after the first few shots…
He also has the dart piece of the ammunition load to hand and ready to whack in the moment the breech slams open.
Something Gaijin don’t appear to understand.
Insert Unknown Technology Meme Here
I think the real problem is not that us UK mains are trying to argue that the CR2 should be the best tank in War Thunder. It would just be nice for it not be broken for a change.
I know, radical thinking…
Gaijin can’t believe that most British kit wouldn’t function unless we had the very best level of guys operating it. Sadly we are unable to leverage the superior training in the game.
Conqueror is another example we have documented evidence the loader had to maintain a certain fire rate 4 rounds per minute (they had a training school specially for it) yet in game 18 seconds. Because that’s how long an IS3 takes to reload.
they claim its for balance, like for example chieftain with expert crew is over 8 seconds when in reality it was closer to 6 for a normal crew.
The conquoror did have issues loading but that was with shell ejection, which is irrelevant here, the Conquror should have roughly a 15 second reload overall
How would you rank the Challenger 2s from best to worst?
2E and BN E tier
All the others G tier
I’m more interested in what it looks like after the BN and E
2E if you want the better mobility
BN if you want the better optics and APS
Those 2 are the best of the 7 CR2/CR3s
2F and 3TD are next, 2F is a nice balance in extra ERA protection but not too big of a nerf on mobility. CR3TD is an okay glass canon, but overall not great.
Base CR2 next, because it has none of the advnatages of the others but also none of the disadvantags
OES and TES are by far the worse as they are extra slow and have to drag all that ERA around which doesnt work correctly. Provides around 1/4 the protection it should.
But only tank in game that is maybe worse is the Ariete, but it does have the better round, mobility and sustained fire rate
G-LYNX is 10.7
Something that just occured to me, probably obvious to everyone else, is the importance of sound.
Yes, I know the sound system in this game is… special but still.
Leopard’s are fairly quiet in game. Abrams you can hear coming from across the map, challengers are also rather loud, t-72’s are fairly quiet, diesel t-80’s are loud as hell and turbine t-80’s are fairly quiet in my experience.
it may seem like a small thing, but it’s actually pretty significant. It’s almost impossible to sneak up on someone in a abrams or a challenger and making a huge “I’M HERE!” sound when moving certainly doesn’t help with survivability.
I mentioned this a few posts ago, technically every tank commander should be sticking his head out the turret to hear anything and that he’d only be able to hear his own engine if anything at all as he’d most likely have ear defenders on. Nobody should hear much of anything really, definitely not the dumb listening for a guy around a corner because you turned enemy engine noise down in settings BS.
The real kicker, is that challenger 2 should actually be pretty quiet compared to most tanks. This is due to the chieftain SID, a demonstrator tank that had things like radar absorbent paint, massive broom bristles to keep down dust and sound dampening for the engine. The sound dampening was said to be so effective, the driver wouldn’t be able to hear the engine from his seat. the tank museum has a video on it I believe and the work done on the SID was incorporated directly into the development of challenger. I’ll see if i can find the vid.
I never thought I’d see the phrases ‘sneaking around’ and ‘Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank’ in the same sentence…
Still, in WT it is almost suicide to be close to your intended target in CR2 as they are now. Much better to whack them from afar where the aforementioned engine sound disparity is less of an issue. Also gives you time to repair your breech when it gets taken out for the 142nd time…