Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

Agreed but accurate NERA would put the M1A2 SEP and Leopard 2A7 Turrets in the region of 1300mm KE and the hulls at 900mm KE nothing would be able to pen them.

Yes it sucks that Gaijin has adopted this approach :(

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Its literally why its there.
Since maybe a year and a half? 2 years? ago they started nerfing vehiclese to suit the BR rather than increasing the BR to suit the vehicles, hence why you had so many things all stuffed into the same BR at top tier.

Hence why now the CR3 TD sits at 11.7 the same as the M1A2 which is objectively better in every way bar in sheer penetration values.

oh you dont even know the half of it lol, i got over pressured by the APIT round from a 50cal in my Cromwell, you should have heard me i was hysterical laughing because of how shocked i was.

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This thing can also one shot a Chally 2

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I think that thing could one shot a fly if your aims good enough, might wanna check to see if they do salt shot for it otherwise you may have trouble explaining away the missing chunk from your house.

Western ERAs all underperform when Contact ERA will eat APFSDS. Ive shot a T90 flat on the side with L27 and the ERA ate the whole dart

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its because gaijin have given russian era the stats when they are shot at at their most optimal angle, as era becomes more effective the higher the incidence they get hit at. Nato era on the otherhand just gets its flat value which creates these massive disparities in performance as well as making the side plates perform way too well for their angle. hitting a plate flat on would do little to deteriorate a long rod perpetrator but in game it would still take the 250mm of penetration as if it was hit at its nominal ~50 degrees… that along with gaijins idiotic take on stanag and we have our situation in game.


The whole thing with stanag was a F’ing joke to be quite honest.
They were presented with how many flipping sources and they absolutely went full denial of it.

Genuinely shocking behaviour, YET the L23 round exists in game which is completely fabricated.


Oh i do brother had an m247 kill me in the cr2E by overpresuring under me!!

It just gets stupid, had a 2s38 blow my cr2 up the other day through the new gap in tbe turret ring / breach…

They are quite close, if not there, to unplayable mate.

Happy New Year 2025!!!


I did a little maths experiment a while ago to see how western MBTs composite armour performed compared to Russian and Chinese composite, iirc correctly the western composite performs at about 1/3 the effectiveness of RHA for thickness, while Russian and Chinese composite is almost perfectly 1/1 with RHA.
The developers could fix all the issues legwolf reported, make all composites perform equal to RHA and the games balance really wouldn’t change that much, everyone already aims for the weakspots without composite.
Instead they will continue to do the bare minimum of research to keep pumping out excuses for why they won’t actually fix anything.


New year no change to the chalenger still.

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Composite on the front lower plate of CR2 would make a massive change to gameplay.
Currently anywhere on the hull or turret and it’s a free kill.

Gaijin need or move the Leopard 2A7V and the STRV 122 up to 13.0 - 14.0 they are so superior to anything in game either that or nerf the reload to 10 seconds and they would still be massively superior to any CR2.

Game balance is cooked nothing Britain could have (excluding the 2A6M CAN) will ever be as good as the Leopard 2A5 and above :(

Seriously stop overvaluing. Your hate is coming out.
Should their br maybe raised above others?
Yes but your statements of anything higher then a 0.3 br step above others or 10s reload is ridiculous and just your pure hate for the nations

Not at all they are so superior to anything else in game. They should be a higher BR like how the Typhoon and Rafale should be a higher BR

The fact remains a Leopard 2A7V can tank shots, drive around the map with great mobility, and destroy targets with it’s fire power. The tank is so far a head of the CR2, M1, Leclerc etc.
It’s not a nation biased when Italy and France now both have a high tier Leopard 2 variant. In fact I would include the 2A7HU in that list too however Italy has a much smaller player base than Germany and Sweden.

Also for the record the worst top tier tank has an 8 second reload after its 4 round ready rack is depleted.

yes they are a 0.3 step above the others, just like what i proposed.
But you proposed to put them at ridiculous 14.0 because you are salty thats just wrong

did i argue that?

and thats why those all have way higher reload. its more a problem of the map design as well that challengers cant perform as they should

it is because it stems from your hate for germany which you ahve shown more then enough openly.
And the playersize has absolutly nothign to do with br balancing

yes but before that they have a realy fast reload which balances it out. its the same how the pzh2k is handled. Leos reload starts out at 7.8 as well and only gets down to 6 at ace.
Challys are at 6.5 from the start and go to 5s. Stock wise that is better

Something gajin should do for balancing is increase ready rack size and remove L23 of the challengers.
But thats not the fault of leopards and sth you guys need to work out

0.3 isn’t enough to stop a CR2 seeing a Leopard 2A7, Germany as you know is hugely popular ( The TURM III was the most played tank based on Gaijin statistics)
13.0 just means the CR2, Leclerc etc will be dragged up to face the 2A7 which outclasses it
13.3 - 13.7 But we know Gaijin would increase the other tanks to make sure each nation has a “top tier tank”

Map design is a problem, more armour turning the CR2 into a T-90M style bulwark would be a nice way to balance it’s horrendous mobility.

I don’t hate anyone, sure German mains can be frustrating, but so can Swedish, Russian and USA mains. I don’t get caught up in nation discussions things will come eventually!

Player size as in we have more exposure to the Leopard 2A7V and the STRV-122 although the 2A6NL and 2A7HU are as good

Yes the CR2 needs more than 4 rounds, it’s a really easy fix

and again, popularity is not a br factor, if anything it is an overall br decompression thing which would result in everything rising further including challengers

yes thats how uptiers work congratulation. even if 2a7v gets raised in br it would always be at a br the challengers could meet it.
The br step between them will never be big enough to warrant that. Is the 2a7v stronger then the challys yes. is it 1.3 br stronger ? No they would meet each other either way.

buddy you go into the german thread regulary complaining about germany and complain about the german stuff specialy. There is a reason you have been made into a meme cause you constantly do it. It comes heavily across as your german hate, i dont say that jokingly.

that one is worse by a good bit. But how many play them, or how strong the overall line up is, as seen of sweden does not play into the BR of a singular vehicle

I have been guilty in the past, there is no point taking it out on other nations. Gaijin will add whatever is missing in time. 2025 is a New Year :)

I haven’t used the 2A6NL I assumed it was uprated over the standard 2A6 making it a viable alternative to the 2A7V

The Chinese mbts at 11.0 are better than the cr2s i have at 12.0
The 2a7 and strv should be at 12.7 to allow decompression and push other stuff up to 12.3 behind them.