Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah it should work in tbat way but hey ho

I recall it was heavily geared towards IEDs - countering mobile signals and/or other methods for triggering roadside bombs, etc. The real trick of course being to create a zone of ECM protection without buggering up the comms/sensors of either the tank itself or friendly units nearby.

This was before drones were as scary as they are now…

I don’t think Warthunder (e.g. the game engine) is even remotely capable of simulating even the most basic of ECM, ECCM functions. Even DCS has to use a very simplified system.


Did they ever actually do any of what they said they would in
[Development] Discussing reports related to the Challenger 2 MBT - News - War Thunder

Nope. still waiting for most of it and several changes that were made in that thread were proven wrong pretty quickly but still made it to live a few minor updates later and have yet to be fixed a year on


Thats not right.
They said they gonna go trough the reports.
And they did, you guys for the betrer or worse just arent happy with the results

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They went through about a half dozen of the 50 or so reports and made poor decisions regarding most.

For example. their interpretation STANAG level 5 requirements have been proven incorrect too many times to count, with a dozen reports for it been submitted, but still continued to be modeled incorrectly. Even something minor like this:

Was proven to be incorrect and bug reports were submitted proving it wasnt made of aluminum but steel. It is still modeled as aluminum a year on

L27A1 performance bug report is still open a year on, whilst the increase in minor, it can still be increasedl

and the big one

Never made it to game, the reports are still open and pending. I dont think there has been ANY changes to the ammo layouts within the CR2s and we certainly have yet to get the 20-28 round ready rack we should have.

And this entire dev thread never even touched on issue that have existed for years, like the mantlet and the trunnion pins, those were reported way back on the old server I believe like 2 or 3 years. Still haven’t been fixed.

We were promised improvements, an overhaul or at the very least a fixing of game breaking bug reports. We got a puff piece that was all song and dance but didnt fix anything, in fact, it probably actually nerfed the CR2s, and how many bug reports have been fixed since that dev post. None, except some minor cosmetic changes, yay, the high resolution netting has a really big impact on game balance.

Leopards are awaiting a damage model overhaul right? Imagine if they overhauled the damage model by making the armour a few mm thinner, fixed none of the issue and then called it a success and never looked at it again, you would be pissed right?


there are so many big things and little thing wrong with challenger 2, and they haven’t been fixed for years or even looked at. best example is the fact the meteo sensor mast is down, when it should be up. the crusader skin has been broken since they locked modifying it about 2 major updates ago, and then worst of all is the turning, making the vehicle come to a stop. Challenger 2 is the complete opposite of the meta in the game right now.

it has no significant armour to rely on thanks to huge weak spots.

it has one of the worst penning and spalling rounds in the game

it is the slowest of all the top tier MBT’s

its reload was nerfed so it doesn’t even have that going for it anymore

one of the lowest survivability thanks to the huge weak spots and ammo layout.

its one of if not the tallest and largest MBT meaning it cant really hide.

and lastly, its engine seems to be distinctly loud.

so while everything else is at least good at SOMETHING, what is challenger 2 good at? because gen 3 thermals arnt much to go off now seeming as a lot of the MBT’s have them, and even that wont save you as it doesnt make that much of a difference in top tier. its not fast, its not quiet, its not got a good reload, and it cant rely on armour, so WHAT is it good at? the answer is nothing, because gaijin refuse to make it competitive by fixing all the known bugs with it. It genuinely makes me sad to see just how badly the Challenger 2 is modelled and how unfairly it gets treated.


Yeah… Its such a shame, might never be meta due to its slower nature, but such a shame they intentionally nerf the CR2 so much


Not to forget their “mantlet placement fix” from last update which made it onto live it seems


Which opens up the turret ring further and thus voids the UFP armour almost completely…
I one tapped a dude last night in the type 69 G II through that exact spot.


Its an absolute disgrace how the bug reports have been handled, and how thes who quite literally have spent hundreds of pounds on sources have been treated.

I read some of the older reports, and the straight up factual denial is ridiculous.

Went back and looked at the stanag report, they just flat out deny the armour values of it while literally many sources say otherwise.
They wont even play by their own rules and its disgusting.


They didnt bother, they paid a lip service to the cr2 broke more stuff then haven’t touched it.

Mobility is key and we all accept that, however if we have the slowest tank in the game give it good armour and surviveability or good firepower.

Currently it’s not a glass cannon its a glass BB gun!


Panzer IV will one shot a CR2


marder 3 at 2.3 can do it.

100% but I would still put my money on the Amx 50 driver!

Because the excuse of giving it DM53, whilst reducing its engine power to 1200 HP rather than what it supposedly should have at 1500 makes it nothing more than a sidegrade to the CR2 standard. it has worse armour as no spall liners as well.

Another massive issue is the vehicles themselves being A historical.
chieftain MK5 for example with L15A5 and LRF
Countless american vehicles missing half their ammunitions,
Chinese vehicles the same either missing armour, or Ammo.
Cr2s well we see that list.
Leclercs missing ammos, armours and reload rates
merkavas well theyre a disaster.

Then you have the joke that is volumetric, where a leopard 2a4 breach will literally soak chinas DTC10 round at 700 meters which is insanely close range, and not take any damage. while it one taps you through the hull.

the game needs map rewords, game mode reworks, full fixing and patching of so many vehicles, then BR changes to reflect that.

I mean christ when this update dropped ti was so rushed that the EF2000 could literally fly through the ground, missiles still fly through solid objects in ARB, LoS rendering has never been more broken, had rounds flying out of nowhere at me then the dude would render.
we need fixes not more shiny stuff that doesnt work.

Chieftain mk11 with togs when?


Id love to see it under the MK10 oppose to a modification as how some want it.

Or lets address the overpressure mechanic in this game, DM13 from an ITVP leopard 2 SPAA, tapped my cupola in the ztz99 III and completely wiped the crew, that is no where near what would happen in any form of realism, if it was above me, sure, i was facing down hill and it shot uphill into my cupola and somehow spalls down into the tank.
makes 0 sense. if it was a HE from a 120mm cannon, sure.
not Dm13 from an SPAA.

The armour and engine is also incorrect on the chief.