Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

That’s still ******* awful, it still stutters and it’s like the driver can’t decide whether he’s neutral steering or turning with a single track. That’s not fixed imo. That’s basically the same.

That bug report gave a fix to as a way to rectify the bug but giving a ahistorical way to potentially fix it. Challenger 2 does not lock its track irl to turn it uses regenerative steering something that’s still not implemented. The reason for the low turning mobility in game comes down to the dog shit gearbox not being able to make its mind up when turning.

So it got an incorrect fix and made it worse.

They’ve really outdone themselves with this update, I have to say.

Here’s a crazy idea… How about change the geear ratios so it (actually works) then change them back to the historical ratios once regenerative steering is implemented… (the same way you compensated for laser guided bombs recently)

You mean like this one :

This one was linked to the one whcih was “fixed”.

So, what else is required?

Does anyone know if the challenger2’ mantlet armor has been fixed this update? Or do we have to wait another 6 months of getting killed by breach shots?

Ill let you guess

This is before today’s update and not the one I linked. Please make a new report if something is incorrect with the current update.

Big fat NO

Ok, so who is going with the turning report? Im not touching that with a stick

What!! It’s been 6 months Community Bug Reporting System

You’ve got more chance of Michael Jackson doing a moonwalk video for your birthday from Dr Dre’s island next year than gaijin ever fixing the challenger 2


It should be adressed in the near future

So much for ‘We’ve heard your concerns about the Challenger 2…’

T-90M meanwhile appears to have been added without any issues at all. Funny that…


TBH - I give up on getting the mobility fixed.

I’ve specifically asked, twice, what exactly we need to get this fixed but just get the “make a report!”, when multiple reports for this exist and have done for a long time.

So, I give up on getting the mobility fixed - it’s like talking to a brick wall.

So, to the clear - you want a bug report from today about the mobility issues regardless of multiple bug reports existing about the issue for a long time?

Won’t this just get insta-closed as a duplicate?

It’s fine it’s honestly not an issue, i simply will not buy the challenger 2 premium, i won’t bother talismaning the new challenger 2s/3 and I’ll simply continue to play nations that work and I’ve already talismaned the vehicles, it’s pretty simple I’ll just continue to ignore Britain till it’s fixes, same goes for France. It’s only gaijin who are gunna loose out.

lol, lmao even.

Hmm…I wonder…


No it won’t be a duplicate because the vehicle changed so it can be considered a new issue. Basically if the change didn’t achieve the desired result it’s a new bug.

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This is what 4 years of incorrect mobility lmao and they make it worse