Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

What in the actual…

Isn’t it supposed to be the same composition, except even more sloped!? ETF!??

Love the contrast between these 2 messages

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I just woke up and am starting to learn about the update hahah

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Another thing to report. Will do so in 3h. Ehh…

Rushed Update tbh


Well, i just tried it on the test drive.

The ch2, the black night in this video, seems to lose a bit less speed in turns now, but the low speed mobilty is still absolutely fucked and if anything, is worse.

We waited well over a year for that

High ho, high ho, it’s off to the bug reports we go (later, when I’ve done the stuff I’m actually supposed to be doing).


Another thing to report, again. Sorry, not doing that. Im having dreams with Cr2 from all the research.

It’s because they ignored the actual problem that being the transmission


I will surprise you. Gear ratio are correct(those around turning, so 4 and 5). All they had to do is lock on certain gear (i have no idea if they can do it) and we have a fix untill regen

It’s not the ratios it’s just it can’t make its mind up it will switch through like 3 gears trying to do a single thing making you slow to a crawl.


Ok, so who is taking turning and who is taking ammo bins? Im up for the Cr3 armor

I’m at work so not me 😂

Im not, but im out of home, i will report in like 3h

The track / turning report was corrected. If something is incorrect, please submit a report and we can pass it for review.


Maybe for me but i womt be home till late cause work

The problem was with the transmission not the track turning. The track turning is still wrong it doesn’t use the system they have now given it. It went from being wrong to even more wrong.

Ok, serious question.

I fail to see how anyone can look at the video above and claim it’s fixed. It still jerks around and cannot decide what gear to be in.

Yes, the inner track now stops but that doesn’t address the issue with the mobility.

So. What, exactly do we need to do to actually get a fix for this issue? What do you need from us so we can get this resolved, ideally without waiting another 18 months? What we are doing now clearly isn’t working, so what needs to change?

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This is the report that was fixed. Community Bug Reporting System

As I said, please submit a report if you believe something else is incorrect. I cannot do anything with just your responses.

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As I mentioned above, please submit a report if you think something is incorrect, then we can review it: Community Bug Reporting System

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