Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Fair, happy it’s already been on and off the table.

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To be fair i think we’d all prefer a 12 round first stage at this point, but yeh i can’t see this being implemented.

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On all Cr2 we have we can get 28 ready rack

If gaijin devs allow it lol

28 rounds are immediately accessible, not quite sure why they wouldn’t.

What’s the current ready rack? I only got my CR2 yesterday ingame but I was in a Chally reg for 6 years so know a bit about them!

An entire 3 in the Cr 1 mk 2 and a massive 4 in cr 1 mk 3 and successors.

Id assume the ready rack is based on the charge bins? 3 charges on the CR1 Mk.2 and Vickers Mk.7, 4 for the Mk.3 onwards?


Quite laughable, as the front bin is in my experience used only for HESH bag charges, while the fin charges are kept in the bins at the rear of the turret. Both sets of charge bins are easily accessible, and are a accessed depending on what projectile has been loaded.


Yes, ther is even video proof passed to gaijin. But snail is snail and 4 ready rack is the best we can do
Meanwhile chieftan
Can be done
All chiefs have full racks (in a meaning that number of projectiles in loader reach=number of ready rack)


We have an update on the ch2 mobility lads :

Quite a vague update, but an update nonetheless!


That will be gear changing while turning. It probably wont jump 4 5 but be forced to stay at 4 or some ratio shenanigans

Lets goo
Cr3 weight going down, i thik?

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Fixed in future version
5 years later

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Doubt it. The dev server things do get their love during it. When they leave it, it gets harder and harder to push things for them

Apparently the inner track is now going to lock when turning.

Dunno how that’s going to affect it, hopefully we will get another dev server.

They are switching quasi regenerative steering to clutch braking. We will have to see how it will go

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So it’s going to turn like the T series tanks

cant be worse than what we have now

The fact that one track brakes causes the whole tank to lose 99% of speed instead of 80%. Why? No one will know, but it will be left at it.