Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Conveniently fixed the moment a premium challenger 2 was added…


This is what worries me about that.

The whole point of regen steering is that you don’t waste whole heap of momentum and engine power by braking a track to steer with the old clutch/brake system. With CR2s as heavy as they are I can just imagine trying to make a small correcting turn and coming to a screeching halt in the worst place possible…

…like in the middle of a field with half a dozen Ka-50s flinging Vikhrs at you. It’s gonna happen!

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Well, not like it is not losing

right now

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Yeah - true.

I don’t however discount Gaijin’s ability to take a dire situation and utter the immortal phrases ‘hold my beer’!

Ah yes, it reminds me of burning thrash dump that the Stormer is

Made this visual for my own benefit cos I wanted to see how much frontal protection would be gained for the crew if the in-game CR3 (and CR2s) had viable breech armour, I think its safe to say that if there was more armour there the crew would be far better off hahaha. Those almost invulnerable turret cheeks do very little to protect when compared to the area the mantlet takes up.


only 75k off it on the live. can’t wait to hate on myself even more

Good luck with that, at least the marketplace camo is good
At least i like it


Dont worry i do too. i do however like the idea of having a vehicle that might kill something more than 2 kilometres away. problem is now you cannot kill anything within 2kms


Dont worry, on the dev server the blind spot is 1,5km only

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I have that camo, it’s great.

I have the Cambrai one on my chieftain mk5 as well, it looks great. I like to get a skin for a vehicle I really enjoy.

I also have a few camos. The new BN esport, TES demo, 2F Devilish, 2 Exp, Chief 3 esport camo and many more. Yes i drop the gjin i earn during events to camos, dont judge me

if the darts dont decide to just phase through the target like they do often currently

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No judgement, you may as well look good while you’re exploding. 🤣

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XD you got me there

Also my TES is a little cursed

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Was a bug report ever created for this / is this still an issue. Its on my list but without a bug report for it

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@DevilO6 Does the OES have the correct ammo count in its enforcer?

I will suprise you. Yes, and it even had extended mag.
It had 1000 ammo in 5 belts, so 200 per belt
Standard is 100 per belt, extended is 200 per belt.
TES and 2F were unchanged if you wonder.

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Amazing to see my report actually go through after 2 years lol, better late than never

This should be similar to what they did with the Cheiftains and Centurions not too long ago, mostly improving “pivoting” ability. It was the change that made me enjoy the Cheiftains, hopefully this will make a nice difference for the Challengers

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