Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

We are pretty much ready for another leak, it’s been quite some time since the last one

Yes im not the author, and yes it goes to OES too


It’s almost like this tank series has a plethora of issues that Gaijin should fix… oh wait

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Just ordered this book, it’s the most addressed book while discussing the development of Chobham armor in the documents of US Defense technical Information Center (shortly DTIC) so I hope to find something valuable for us there. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find the digital version so had to get a real one. Maybe it hasn’t been checked before by our community because of this. Gladly it wasn’t expensive.
It’s still about Abrams development but comparisons might be found between it and the Challenger

I found some more bug reports to add to the list. Not all of them have a huge amount of detail, but padding the list makes it look even better (or worse)

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Wow, you dug my 2E engine compartment report up. How much time did you spent looking up the reports.

Wrong link

Actually, not that long, sometimes it searches well, and find these bug reports really easily, sometimes it just shows unrelated things. Ironically, I find the bug-report website, one of the buggiest websites i’ve ever encountered

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I also encounter the same thing, and

that is hilarious

Thank you, fixed. Was gunna happen eventually :P

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I honestly find this title hilarious. It is correct in its meaning, but i just chuckle every time i see it. The definition of illogical and a sumarise of the mess teh Cr2 is.


Some of the issues for the CR2 are so bad they are actually hillarious.

Though I am really tempted to get a really detailed bug report together for the missing hot water vessel and lack of ability to make a cup of tea.


DO NO do so, or they will add +10min to reload as crew need a cup of tea after every shot


or they’ll make it a weakspot that “explodes” when hit killing the entire crew

Ah yes, the 1st degree burn. 4 Brothers in arms died to it

I’ve linked the bug list over in the CR2 OES page, make sure it gets plenty of attention

No no no, we want a tea module with a 10 minute cooldown. At the start you get a +50% boost to crew skills which decreases to zero at around 8 minutes when you’ve finished your tea.

If the bv gets damaged or destroyed though, -50% to crew skills.


Gentlemen - I doff my virtual cap to you all. I think the CR2 is getting more bug reports and fix requests than any other top-tier MBT. It has been a long time coming.

Whatever the outcome, I like to take some small solace in the belief that by the time the patch hits - some Dev in Russia (ahem…Hungary…) is going to have a nervous tick at the mention of the words ‘Challenger’ ‘OES’ ‘Dorchester’ and other related phrases.

I can see it now. 'Madman in severe distress carted off to hospital. His last words before being sedated were ‘NOT A BUG!’.

Continue the fine work gents.


Thought I would change things up a bit and throw in a report on the Vickers Mk.7 Turret Armour: Community Bug Reporting System


Do i need to make a “Britain master bug list” :P