Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

idk, look up, this is the same topic msg 1 is the list

Pretty much yeah, and funnily enough they got the size right so that’s exactly what they can do.

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  • Incorrect Gunner and Commander position

Might be this one, didn’t see a link on it though

well, it seems correct to me… we do not have the roof armor so the spall goes into and kill everyone

Though there is a bug report in for that

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It is a fresh one, but i know it is. Just we are missing it ALL THE TIME up untill now, and i have no proof the roof has armor (i know how stupid it sounds)

Nah it was about Cr2

It is there for one photo, for the second one i have no idea from where it is

In the x-ray the gunner is sitting back and to the right of the breech but in all the photos I’ve seen the gunner seems to be sitting in line with the breech, so it looks like either he’s too far back or the breech/gun is too far forward

Ohhhh, yea i have no idea

Yeah, so you’ve got 3 rounds of HESH in the front left of the driver (this can’t exist, it’s photographed to not be there)
and 3 rounds behind his chair (also inaccessible)
plus 2 rounds infront of the gunner, which I can’t find any sources for
and 5 rounds on the floor in the turret basket which…again can’t find any information on.

All of the propellant charges in the game (which amounts to exactly 50) look to be in their correct spots.

34 Propellant charges in the back section of the turret in the U shaped bins.
4 to the left of the breach near the gunner
and 12 to the left of the driver.

34 + 4 + 12, gives you exactly 50 rounds, which is the estimated maximum.
Challenger 2 uses two piece ammo so for every charge, you need a projectile.

in the back of the turret we’ve got the inert rack: 24 projectiles.
in the turret walls: another 4 projectiles.
infront of the left charge bin, you have two explosive projectiles.
Under the breach is 7 explosive projectiles.
This gives you 37 rounds we can confirm the location of in photos.

The problem i’m looking to fix is the location of the remaining 13 rounds.
They’re confirmed by photograph and diagram that they cannot possibly be left of the drivers knees. They can’t be behind the drivers chair as suggested in game as this is BELOW the basket floor and unreachable.

so now you have 11 mystery (5 from the floor, 6 from the drivers compartment) rounds where you don’t know where they can go. The source I have, suggests explosive ammunition is stored below the turret ring, either side of the driver and in the hull corners.

We can see in this photo that at least 1 hesh warhead is stored by the loaders legs (between 2 and 4)
So now you’ve got 10 mystery rounds.

If we add the 10 mystery rounds to the gunners side, and lay them horizontally you EXACTLY mirror the 12 charge capacity on the left side. Granted these are explosive projectiles, NOT charges, but they’re the same diameter, so we can safely say the max you can fit there is exactly 12.

therefore, there should be no warheads left of the drivers legs, behind his chair or any on the floor.
1 round should be upright next to the loaders leg.
The remaining 12 rounds should mirror the charge bin, left of the drivers seat.

This reasoning not only makes sense but lines up with the sources we’ve got.


ahh okay yeah than we really spoke about two completly different things, sorry again


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Sorry for the wordy response but yeah, we’ve got explosive projectiles in places that can’t exist and a source saying charges and explosive projectiles are either side of the driver.
The numbers exactly line up with what we can see in photos. The charges are in their right position.
The inert projectiles are too
The explosive projectiles are not.

In short:
Lay the two infront of gunner horizontally.
add 11 in front of the gunner, to make up a full bin mirroing the charge bin on the left of driver
add 1 by loaders leg, upright

So you still end up with same ammo capacity (50 rounds) but now all your ammo is either: in the turret itself, on it’s walls, underneath the breach, 2 rounds infront of the left charge bin, and 12 rounds infront of the gunner.


No worries man ^^
Honestly if anything I appreciate getting challenged on these views since if my arguement can’t hold up - it’s no good.


Sound good to you, Fireball?
I can’t see any other way CR2 can store 50 rounds

the 3 rounds to the left of the driver should be elevated somewhere around here.

the stowage behind the driver should be 4 rounds not 3.

these 2 don’t exist

there should be 3 rounds here not 2

only 2 rounds can be stored here

We have photographs of the 3 left of the drivers leg, not existing though. And the stowage behind the driver is under the basket??

they do, they’re just on the other side of the tank near the gunner

So how does the crew retrieve ammunition through a solid floor?