Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

how are you moving them around? You have a fixed capacity of both the rear and the front left. If you now add another equaly siced bin to the right the others dont magically get smaller

“On each side of the driver”

I’m not sure what you mean, unless you’ve got a source that conflicts with that statement or some proof otherwise?

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I’ve updated the bug list again and even went spelunking on the bug site and found some other bug reports on there not shared on these threads
@Gunjob mind looking at it?

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here, have another one ;)



You can never have enough Cr2 reports

Not that I can send here, I’m just saying there is a reason why there aren’t any photo’s of a charge bin on the right side.

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You’re removing the ammunition from the front left of the driver and behind his seat and moving them to the bin to his right.

Those have been photographed to not exist at all and shouldn’t be there. So your total stays the same, all you’ve done is move them to their correct spots in the model rather than keep them where they are

Thats true, its added.

The longer the list is, the worse it looks for Gaijin and the better chance we have that maybe the modelling issues (the ones that dont actually matter) will get fixed

So on the right is an ammo storage, right? then we move
to the drivers right and call it a day

Whilst you are looking at the ammo storage, keep an eye out for info that could be used to report crew position. If they are wrong, that would be good to get a report in for. One of the main items i have listed without an associated bug report

Someone walks inot here and sees this
i had to set the zoom to 33% to see everything at once


they seem right to me, like they are in a good position



There’s no way for ammunition to exist in their current configuration as seen in WT though.
There’s ammunition under the floor the loader is standing on.
There’s ammunition that would have to slide through the drivers knees and legs, and the seat to get out (not to mention there’s photos showing that compartment doesn’t exist)

There’s now this source that says there’s two bins either side the driver, which i’m inclined to believe as it’s further compounded by the other source that states the same locations.

I can’t really go off anything else but these sources. Unless you’ve got some classified information which you can’t share lol

It is glorious. At some point I want to redesign the layout of that, I think I need to add more categories to the “Survivability” section

i added the pics, compare them to what we have in game

Its based on this:

@Legwolf you able to explain further please. I need to go to work

Is there one about the breech/gun being too far forward?

i think the issue is that me and @Fireball_2020 are talking about the ammunition charge bins where the propellant charges are stored in while you are talking about the bins for the projectiles aka the HESH rounds

is that right? then excuse me for the confusion