Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

By far the best issue report for CR2 i’ve seen lmaooo


Yeh thats totally fair however the universal turret was designed to accept multiple different guns and ammunition types, and at the rear of the mk7 turret there’s 2 doors which could potentially act as blow out panels, I’ve ordered 2 books on the vickers tanks and I’ll see what i can dig up.

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Fair dues, but I wouldn’t hold your breath. Those doors have handles, which is weird for blowout panels. I’d suggest maybe they’re just for loading rounds into the turret en-masse and not actually for crew survivability.
Good luck though!

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Watch this get fixed, and devs saying “We are fixing Challengers 2, see”


Devs will make obvious mistakes in vehicle specs with no sources to back them up and then require sources to correct those mistakes, and it’s been happening for a long time (cough cough kv-85)

Allow me to help with that, forwarded!

Source: Challenger 2 The British Main Battle Tank - Rate Photograpghs from Wartime Archives" (part of the Images of War series) written by Rob Griffin and M. P. Robinson, Chapter 6, page 20 - “The New Vickers MBT”

"Explosive ammunition and charges were stored below the turret ring. (referencing the 2 large drums like seen on CR1)
“Charges were kept in armored bins around the the rear of the fighting compartment” (Already modelled in game, the large U shaped charge bin at the back)
ON EACH SIDE OF THE DRIVER” There. I’ve done it. This definitively proves the location of the ammunition and charges are stored in giant bins on each side of the driver as seen in my CR1 diagram posted earlier.
“In the hull corners” is an interesting one, as i’m not sure where they can be. Certainly not in the driving compartment, but likely near the loaders legs as seen here:
between the red 2 and 4 marker, that’s a HESH warhead.


Allow me to further slam dunk my point:
“The ammunition is partly stowed at ??? in the turret bustle, as well as in the hull below the turret”
Source: Tankograd - British Special No 9021, “Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank”


You think that if i cut the top pic a little will it be accepted as a armored bins for the vickers mk 7 :P?

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Believe it or not, that first source does actually reference the Vickers MBT Mk7

Well, it highlight it, that it has simmilar to vic 7 wide trunnion and coax. I need the charge bins in vic 7 were armored

@Gunjob Don’t suppose you could add the new sources and evidence to the ammo rack position report?
The sources above clearly outline and agree that all the ammo is stored in the turret, turret walls (inert projectiles), the armored hull bins behind the crew or either side of the driver. This pretty much confirms that there’s no ammo in the driving compartment, and that the layout shout indeed be identical to CR1s, just without the ammo behind the drivers seat and to his left leg.

Need the front covers of the materials used

one of them

Source 1: Challenger 2 The British Main Battle Tank - Rate Photograpghs from Wartime Archives" (part of the Images of War series) written by Rob Griffin and M. P. Robinson, Chapter 6, page 20 - “The New Vickers MBT”

Source 2: Tankograd - British Special No 9021, “Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank” - section 4 “Challenger 2 Technology”


Is that all the info you need @Gunjob ?

Making it my sole focus to not get ammo racked by ammo that shouldn’t be there on CR2 lmao

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That Diagram is only for a Challenger 1 mk 1 and mk 2 with the erlier GRP charge bins that were already used on later chieftain variants.
challenger 1 mk 3 looked like this, you can clearly see the removed bin on the left of the driver


I’m not sure i’m following - It’s these bins which don’t exist, but should
The bin left of the driver exists in CR2, but not the right, which should

There’s no evidence suggesting CR2 has any volitile or inert projectiles in the drivers compartment, nor charges.
These two bins need to be deleted from the model.
And this bin needs to be deleted, and the large horizontal charge bin left of the driver needs mirroring on the right