Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

Anyone got any info on the dorchester (?) LFP addon armor for the TES? is 320MM an accurate figure for such a giant and angled brick of what I can assume is a giant block of Chobham/Dorchester sandwiches?

As we know this is referring to the ufp.

Morning fellas -
I’ve reached out to Bovington Tank Museum who have a Challenger 2, to inquire about the ammo stowage relating to the racks we see modelled in game and where they should be. I’ve also thrown in a request for their archive to see if I can sift through some VDS documents.


Good luck

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Reckon you can dig anything up on the vickers universal turret i.e the mantlet layout?

I need the Vickers Mk7 crew compartment photo. I need proof that it had bins over the charges. The fact that it lack them now is atrocious

Good luck with that ;)

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@Fireball_2020 I believe has some VDS reports or at the very least some credible sources regarding CR2’s mantlet and it’s protection. Best go to him

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I would think something like this would be borderline impossible lmao
Maybe find if there’s a museum who has a surviving example in their collection or some museum that may have VDS documents?

Given that it’s Leopard 2 hull, I would think it’s got it’s ammunition in the same containers/compartments with minimal, if not zero modification to the hull compartment.

I tried, but there is nothing i can find. Pictures outside the tank yes, but the bin, no. And without that i cant prove it had it, so the charges in game are exposed

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I wanna know if the turret had blow out panels at the rear lol like the back of it where the ammo is stored looks like it could be a possibility. But I’d definitely wanna know what was inbthe armour packs too

I doubt it: The British have never been much for blowout panels. Mostly just seperated storage of charge from projectile, in bins that give enough time for bailout.
CR2 even lacks this feature (though CR3 appears to incorporate it)

Well, Cr3 uses single piece ammo, so blowouts are welcome and needed


@Gunjob You wouldn’t happen to have access to the sources used to model CR2 in game would you? Either Gaijin has some incredible documentation or they’ve made some wild guesses.

I can’t seem to find any information that Cr1’s right most ammo bin near the gunners knees was removed for CR2.
it’s this ammo bin i’m looking to definitively prove exists. Any ideas?


It’s such a specific ammo layout which is why i’m thinking “where the hell did they come up with this?”

You know how it is, it came to me in a dream, during morning toilet ect… Yea, im not sure where it is from but hey, it works so its fine…

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We don’t have access to the developers resources no.


Darn. Back to the archives I go lmao

Trying to convince Gaijin to copy this meteorological sensor from the CR3 model over to all the CR2s, where it should be. It’s a detail they’ve missed for years.
I can understand it being on the dev backburner when it’s not been modelled by anybody. But now it’s simply an oversight, and fixing it is a matter of copy and pasting from one model to another and maybe finding a little spot to add it to the UVs and textures.