For the opportunity yes… With the temperature… No lol
I believe this would be a new report entirely, as it’s suggesting not only is the ERA wrong, it’s actually not ERA at all lol
It’s some weird hybrid NERA ERA sandwich, under the ASPRO-HMT (MTAP) name.
@Gunjob I take it new report for this finding?
I guess i just made your life worse, Sorry man :/
The more reports to stack on Gaijins dusty issues shelves for Challenger 2 the better. Maybe when it collapses under the weight they’ll send someone to go find out what made the noise and actually see the reports lol
Me : Challenger 2 ERA
yes, this is a Leclerc
well gaijin says the inside armor of the bustle rack is internal ERA? so close enough I guess
Challenger 2: The British Main Battle Tank (Images of War)
You fell for us out from the sky
I’d like to just raise this as a bit of a “hmm???” moment. This suggests OES has a completely brand new one piece “nose cone armor”? is this suggesting OES has improved mantlet protection?
I will be honest, I have no idea what that means. Something that is not Cr1 style compared to previous ones
Is this suggesting the NERA panels on the sides of the turret are also ASPRO-HMT NERA/ERA sandwich?
The brick?
dorchester armour on lower front plate i think
Ahh I see, so it’s talking about the ROMOR to Dorchester upgrade?
Weird to call that part the nose
“CR1 Style” I assume is talking about the ERA it replaces since it originated from the Chally 1
It seems like, but i would take the nera/composite part. Doubt any ERA is in the plate, composite only.