Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)


Honestly the sad bit about the Challenger 2 is how few you see at top tier. I see swathes of German Leopard 2s, the T-80s and 90s of Russia, Strv 122s of Sweden and Abrams of America.

Yet I barely see Challenger 2s and it’s not hard to see why. I’ve been stockgrinding the base CR2 and the 2F, and am over halfway to the TES, and fundamentally hate playing them. Russian CAS kept ruining my games by dumping Kh-38s in my face before the BR changes, and even whike that’s stopped, it still sucks to play the CR2.

Stock is an absolute pain, because your one supposed advantage (being good hulldown) doesn’t exist game thanks to the massive mantlet weakspot. You can get breeched at best, or at worst outright killed, by a single shot from what is supposedly your strongpoint, your turret, and more often than not you cannot retaliate (have fun hitting the comically small weakspots on the T series, even more so when you’re firing L23A1).


Don’t forget you can’t get to any early game positions because you are ungodly slow.


That wouldn’t be so much of a problem if you had protection. Problem is you don’t. The external composites/NERA elements don’t provide the protection they should, the Turret has a massive hole in it because appparently Gaijin doesn’t think anyone at BAE thought of that, and I can’t remember what it was but there’s also another bit of the turret that is substantially underarmoured.


You just get killed by a single shot, killed in the open by the Ka heli rush or die to some IFV thats outflanked you before you can hope to take an advantageous position. Your rate of fire of 4 rounds at 5 seconds and then the rest at 7…
Your protection doesnt stop ATGMS, HEAT-FS or even low tier darts.
Premium 2A4s have better armour and fire power (not pen but the round definitely has superior spalling)

CR2 are in a horrible position right now and each update its getting harder and harder to balance the massive wealth of disadvantages with the advantages.

Reasons to play the CR2…It looks cool and eh patriotism?.. [end of list]


The roof for one.

There is no point to playing it really.

I’ve given up on it. The ch2 will stay in this awul state until something changes at Gaijin, and I don’t forsee that happening any time soon.

Quite frankly, this game badly needs a competetor made by a western company.


We just need different game modes,
“Capture the flag” doesnt work for any tanks that are slower. If we had a defend mode (dare I say like WoTs)

That makes the CR2 viable as you can use it, like it would be used in a defensive position. 90% of CR2 deaths are the start of the match through heli rush, or moving to position when. I’m in position I can do alright.

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oh that too ahah, it’s so godawful I forget what’s wrong with it and accept i’m a free kill.

Bet you in their infinite wisdom they’d make us the attackers…

But no, you’re right, both teams capturing a flag is just plain unrealistic.

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When a Lightank has better turret armour then most MBTs


500mm Thickness BTW

Sweden Bias


On top of all of that, they are getting a mobility nerf in the upcoming update. Guess Gaijin thought they were too quick


“Nyet Komrade, you are British main, you cannot have armour and fast tenk, you must have one or other.” - BvvD probably


Or either
or pen
or a proper reload
or turret rotation


World of Tanks has a better top tier then War Thunder does.

Each nation has their own unique gimmick that others don’t have, even if 90% of the vehicles are fake.

War Thunder Top tier balance:
Throwing darts on a dart board while drunk.


Has Chally been fixed at all since I last visited this thread or is it still hopeless?

Ill let you guess.


Well, that’s depressing.

Has it hell.

It’s gettting a mobility nerf next update, so there’s that.

The challenger 2 will never be allowed to be good while gaijin is in charge of this game.