Challenger 2 MBT - Technical data and Discussion (Part 1)

If its not in service they can just pull the stats out their ass even more. I have zero faith in Gaijin modelling a single British vehicle correctly.

The CR3 TD has good fire power giving me that piece of crap hull and turret with a slower firing 130mm is not an upgrade.


Honestly Gaijin need to stop pandering to the big 3. It’s exhaustive, we should have this, we should have that, my tank should have the best armour.

At this point have it, its a CR2 so way worse than a Leopard 2A4 and its going to have a bigger heavier gun, weaker armour for a gun with more pen and a slower rate of fire. No thanks

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CR3 is explicitly designed to be able to be retrofitted with the 130mm gun and autoloader. The same 130mm gun that the technology demonstrator has been used for.

130 mm rheinmetall autoloader loads in 4 seconds according to EDR magazine


Well in that case Britain definitely wont be getting it!


Nah bet You it Will i feel the excuse of the KF51 for germany should be good enough

Being able to penetrate enemy tanks (especially Russian tanks) by just point and clicking rather than having to aim for weak spots is a pretty nice change

If the Challenger 3TD had a 5 second reload I’d probably prefer that over the 130mm with lets say a 7 second reload, but 6 seconds isnt really anything special


The 130mm is auto loaded

Oh if its got a 4 second reload its just an obvious upgrade then lol

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i mean imagine a 130 mm with 4 sec reload, that’s gonna be a life deletus

Just on the whole 130mm discussion, it seems to me that a big difference between the Vickers Mark 7 and the Challenger 130mm tech demonstrator is that the Mark 7 was trialled in a British competition for Britain’s future main battle tank.

The Challenger 130 is in a very weird spot, could go to Germany, but then we must wonder do they even need it? Do they really require it when the German arms industry already has access to large calibre guns.

I think it should be a UK exclusive. It was made to test the 130 on chassis Rheinmetall had - this is true, however in the sake of balance and fairness it should go to the UK tree, Germany again, doesn’t need it.

Not really, but it’s a good representation on the vickers mk 7 perspective, it’s in a similar situation and just puts on the table, that some vehicles should be kept in their original tech tree and some don’t for justifiable reasons and not because someone wants it, i feel it should go to the UK 100% in My personal opinión

Anyways i do believe we can help with some stats of the gun but at the moment there is no 130 mm Shell yet

Tbh i think this entire discussion always derives from german players malding they didnt get the lynx, at the end of the day i dont think (hopefully) gaijin would give the 130mm to germany as analogs such as 140 leopard or panther exist when no analogs do for britain.

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There must have been a 130mm shell to test the gun in the first place… wouldnt show the gun off and put it on a moving chassis without a way to test it

Seems some 130mm apfsds was made

Not Germany as a country but Rheinmetall as a company, big difference.

No such requirements exist

MGCS Program still has not decided on a Armament

No, Rheinmetall wants to show it off as a sales pitch.

Yes RHEINMETALL as in the COMPANY and their interpretation of what MGCS COULD BE not the actual MGCS built for Germany/France which only was decided on THIS YEAR, with major decisions as ARMAMENT still IN THE AIR.

It is a private venture by Rheinmetall and has thous far not been ordered by any country (including Germany)


mans coping hard, typical German main wanting everything.
I guess if he gets the Challenger 2 130 they’d have no problem if we had the Canadian Leopard and the Americans wouldn’t mind giving us the CF-18

The fact its a Challenger hull should be enough to immediately disqualify it from going to anyone other than Britain.
Rheinmetall is an international company, I mean I don’t see the Germans claiming ownership on all the 120mm Abrams (because M256 is a derivative of L/44 120mm iirc)

So any German making the argument that the Chally 2 130 should go to them is either a) indulging in a bit of absurdism, b) is coping hard, c) is a hypocritical (word i can’t say here)


Except it does:

“1. It is unclear whether the so-called bridge solution will be a Leopard 2 AX or a Leopard 3. The decision on this will probably only be made after the R&T studies that are being prepared have been completed, as part of which, among other things, the 130mm cannon from Rheinmetall is to be fully developed.”

The upcoming bridge solution i.e Leopard 2A9/Leopard 3 is very much thought to become a 130mm carry, making it a requirement for MGCS in order to bring fleet commonality.

In fact, if we read up further we can find statements such as this one:

Very clear that despite there not having been a decision made for MGCS yet, Germany does not intent to go with the French 140mm at all.

mans coping hard, typical German main wanting everything.

Pot calling kettle black tbh.


I mean Gaijin literally does not care about primary source documents for the shell. So long as we can guestimate some stats about it (dimensions for the most part) gaijin will just fire it through Lanz Odermatt and wedge that into the game.

For a quote you usually put the source…